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Need some help about Hacking.


Joker waiting room
A few years ago i was playing Runescape and was registered on a runescape forum.

in many of the pictures i had posted my ip was shown.

some asshole took a pic and now it's all over forums.

what can someone do with my IP?


EX Ovi should launch
Depending on settings on your router, someone knowing your IP could mean them gaining access to your router and allowing themselves access to it to do whatever with. However if you have anything except for default security settings on your router the danger is probably little to none as they cant gain access with just your Ip Address.

What you could also do is change your Ip address. Your router will do this automatically whenever you turn the device (your pc) on, depending on what other connections are open and what other IP's are assigned. You can however set your IP address to static, and therefore choose which one you wish to use, but depending on which router you have you will need to consult google about how to do it, if it isnt in the instruction manual.

Another note, anyone playing runescape is probably too busy chopping down poorly animated trees with their poorly animated axe to be able to hack you.


Dojo Trainee
I'm no hacker but people can probably take over your entire computer if it isn't properly secured.


Joker waiting room
Depending on settings on your router, someone knowing your IP could mean them gaining access to your router and allowing themselves access to it to do whatever with. However if you have anything except for default security settings on your router the danger is probably little to none as they cant gain access with just your Ip Address.

What you could also do is change your Ip address. Your router will do this automatically whenever you turn the device (your pc) on, depending on what other connections are open and what other IP's are assigned. You can however set your IP address to static, and therefore choose which one you wish to use, but depending on which router you have you will need to consult google about how to do it, if it isnt in the instruction manual.

Another note, anyone playing runescape is probably too busy chopping down poorly animated trees with their poorly animated axe to be able to hack you.
thanks,it's a relief and i can finaly laugh my ass off at people who have it as their signature.

also,when was the last time you played?


Joker waiting room
i logged in about a month ago to sell some gold actually >.<
when i finally upgrade my PC in 2 weeks or so i'll be able to play RS again,i've been running 10 fps tops for the last year and 2 fps when i logged in yesterday after 2 months.

i remember the times i used to be addicted to it,playing 8 hours a day,srsly sick.


EX Ovi should launch
when i finally upgrade my PC in 2 weeks or so i'll be able to play RS again,i've been running 10 fps tops for the last year and 2 fps when i logged in yesterday after 2 months.

i remember the times i used to be addicted to it,playing 8 hours a day,srsly sick.
Ive never really put much time into it. Around 6 months ago i found a decent piece of botting software and made around 15 million gold. Recently they clamped down on botting and in fear of them banning my account i sold it to a friend for £50 (with some stats 80+)

It is a terrible game, i just enjoyed the fact that i was better at it than the majority of players even while i was sleeping, exploited it, made my cash and got out.

I dont personally play or enjoy it, but i wont judge anyone who does, i played WOW for nearly 7 years and only recently quit because its got too easy, although i should have done that 2 expansions ago when it first started to be shite


What you could also do is change your Ip address. Your router will do this automatically whenever you turn the device (your pc) on, depending on what other connections are open and what other IP's are assigned.
Well, that's true, but the address you're thinking of is probably your internal networks IP address. Internal only networks have addresses that start with 192.168.x.y. However, your router / cable modem does translation. It has one address for your internal devices, and one address open to the world, and it pases things between the networks.

The address the OP would be worried about is NOT under his control. Its assigned by his ISP, its usually dynamic (you pay more for a static one), and typically you'll get the same one each time, unless your router / cable modem is off an extended amount of time.

The danger of someone knowing your IP also depends on your setup. If you have your PC's network card plugged directly into a cable model for example, youre way more exposed. Your computer is pretty much directly attached to the Internet. You need to be running a software firewall, and even with that its dangerous. If you have a home router, those have firewalls built it. Provided you've changed the admin password, you should be good to go. The routers include firewalls and shield all the computers plugged into it. Its possible the router has a bug someone could hack, but fairly unlikely.