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Need Some Fellow LoL Players For Games


Divekick x 1000
So I'll admit it, I've been burned out on Injustice. Just haven't really had the urge to play as much as usual.

I've been playing quite a bit of LoL the past month or so, I just recently hit 30 about a week ago.

I've only got around 60 wins under my belt, nothing spectacular. However, I consider myself pretty decent. I've got good understanding of the meta, and I can hold my own in each role (except jungle, I can't stand jungling).

Anyways, I'm looking for some other people who I can team queue with regularly. You don't have to be amazing, I just am getting aggravated with some of the people I've been getting stuck with on solo queue. AKA people feeding or leaving because they don't call ADC, and then get pissed when I CS all the minions because they can't last hit for shit.

I've got a couple friends overseas I play with, but they are always online when I'm about to sleep. If anyone is interested in playing some team queue/ranked (or even bot games just for shits and giggles), add me online.

Username: RelentlessOhio