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Need some advice :/


Button Masher
The moment this thread goes off topic im asking to have it closed. this is a serious thing i would like to ask a few members about.
anyway onto topic.

So as a few of you know im only 16 years old going to be 17 on the 22nd of this month ( Woo) and currently i live with my mom , sister , and grandmom. I just have one problem. i Constantly fight with my mom and grandmom. and im not talking little disagreements. im talking my mom hits me and or i get kicked out or just walk out. If it had not been for my girlfriend and my friends in school. i would of left this house by now and of been in an adoption home or live with a family member. but that brings up another point. my mom threatens to call the cops on me and report me as a run away if i leave my house after a fight. I Can not live in this house much longer before i snap and hurt myself or something. But i love my girlfriend and my friends and the best thing in my life. and i know if i live in an adoption home or go to the state i will never see them again. i didnt see anywhere else to turn i've talked to my school counselor but he didnt help much. so i turn to you guys. maybe one of you went through something sorta like this and can help me? But anyway i can not live here much longer it's not healthy my emotional self esteem is destroyed from some of the things my mom has said. anyway can anyone give me some advice?

thanks guys.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
First, I am not a councilor, a psychologist, or a lawyer. I am not giving advise, just giving you an option to investigate. I don't presume to know what is best for you.

Last year I was teaching highschool in another community, and I had two students (maybe more) who were legally separated (?) from their parents. I'm not sure how exactly this works, but one Grade 12 student was living with her boyfriend, and one Grade 11 student was living with his sister. The parents were no longer legally responsible for the students, but the students didn't require a foster parent or guardian either. This is something that may be of interest to you, but I would make bloody sure you have a guaranteed roof over your head before pursuing this option, if it comes to that.


Is your mom truly unavoidable? Is she impossible to ignore? If the answer is no to any of these questions, then it's possible to brave it out until college.

Does your mom really have a problem with you out of her house? Can't you bunk with a buddy or you girlfriend? That'd be my solution to this.

I'm surprised your mom still hits you. But that's beside the point. Just make sure you don't fuck up in high school. Get into a college and gtfo. No joke.


Button Masher
First, I am not a councilor, a psychologist, or a lawyer. I am not giving advise, just giving you an option to investigate. I don't presume to know what is best for you.

Last year I was teaching highschool in another community, and I had two students (maybe more) who were legally separated (?) from their parents. I'm not sure how exactly this works, but one Grade 12 student was living with her boyfriend, and one Grade 11 student was living with his sister. The parents were no longer legally responsible for the students, but the students didn't require a foster parent or guardian either. This is something that may be of interest to you, but I would make bloody sure you have a guaranteed roof over your head before pursuing this option, if it comes to that.

my girlfriends mom has offered me a house. my bestfriend nick's parents has offered me a spot or my Aunt ( shes not really my aunt but i call her that out of respect) has offered me a home.


Button Masher
Is your mom truly unavoidable? Is she impossible to ignore? If the answer is no to any of these questions, then it's possible to brave it out until college.

Does your mom really have a problem with you out of her house? Can't you bunk with a buddy or you girlfriend? That'd be my solution to this.

I'm surprised your mom still hits you. But that's beside the point. Just make sure you don't fuck up in high school. Get into a college and gtfo. No joke.

she constantly threatens to call the cops if i leave without her knowing where im going. and i can normally never sleep out any more. if i ignore her it starts one of these arguments.


she constantly threatens to call the cops if i leave without her knowing where im going. and i can normally never sleep out any more. if i ignore her it starts one of these arguments.
I don't want to be jumping to conclusions like a prick, but is your pride getting in the way of ending arguments peacefully? Sometimes it's just a simple matter of backing down with pacifism. But then again, I don't know you or your mom.

In any case, you should definitely bunk at your buddy or your girl's house. Your mom really isn't going to have a problem with that is she? From what you've told me, if you tell her, then no problems right? Or do you prefer her not to know you're living at your girl's/buddy's.


Button Masher
I don't want to be jumping to conclusions like a prick, but is your pride getting in the way of ending arguments peacefully? Sometimes it's just a simple matter of backing down with pacifism. But then again, I don't know you or your mom.

In any case, you should definitely bunk at your buddy or your girl's house. Your mom really isn't going to have a problem with that is she? From what you've told me, if you tell her, then no problems right? Or do you prefer her not to know you're living at your girl's/buddy's.
I try to end them peacefully. Some do. well kinda and others times if shes yelling at me and i said Okay or yes to agree she thinks im being " a sarcastic little bastard" and yells more. And i was just at my girlfriends from wed-saturday. and it was hard enough to stay during that. the thing is she all ways brings up im her child and she chooses what i can and cant do such as staying at a friends.


I try to end them peacefully. Some do. well kinda and others times if shes yelling at me and i said Okay or yes to agree she thinks im being " a sarcastic little bastard" and yells more. And i was just at my girlfriends from wed-saturday. and it was hard enough to stay during that. the thing is she all ways brings up im her child and she chooses what i can and cant do such as staying at a friends.
You could say you just don't want to have an argument. Tell me if I'm beating a dead horse here.

Worst comes to worst, staying somewhere else is probably the way to go. I really do want this to be your last resort though. And should you feel that this is necessary, then forget what your mom thinks because she's clearly underestimating you if she thinks she can control you. From what I infer, the cops are gonna be on your side. She is your mom though, remember that.

What'd your guidance counselor say about this anyways?


My blades will find your heart
Id maybe tell a counselor whats going on between you and your mom. Include the threats, they may be able to help. I truly wish the best for you though, cant imagine how hard that would be.


Button Masher
Thank you to everyone for feed back so far on the thread or in a PM.

ill answer more post tomorrow but im actually going to sleep at my girlfriends tonight and her computer is broken so i can not answer. anyway thanks guys. i knew i could turn to the MK community for more then just MK help. this truely is the best community ever.