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Need help with PC stick inputs

Sorry in advance if this is not supposed to be in this Forum, I am brand new to the Board. I would appreciate it if someone could point me towards the correct one or answer my question outright if you can.

The patch reset my inputs for stick, but when I change them back it now reads as the actual buttons I am pressing instead of what they universally are.
What I mean is that by default, the stick inputs are x,a,y,b on bottom row, the bumper buttons on top, or something like that. Before the patch, when I changed this, it still read as front punch X and back punch Y on the input lists. But now it is reading as right bumper front punch and left bumper back punch.
This is confusing the ♥♥♥♥ outta me and would love if someone can help me out with this, if its just a step in the options I missed or whatever.

Edit: I think I found a better place to put this question, so I'm gonna move it and hope I don't yelled at for double posting.
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