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Need help with original SF2 challenge


Maining the Roster
hey guys,

so somehow some people in my extended social circle (more precisely, a friend's roommate) got wind of the fact that i like fighting games, and he wants me to do battle with his pal who he states is unbeatable at sf2 on snes. i acted casual about it, but at a party where i was pretty hammered he got me to issue a challenge to this other guy and recorded it on his phone. so i guess IT'S ON!

i used to play sf2 as a kid, but then we made the switch to super and then i just stopped playing. i remember the original as being veeeery slow. i'll make an effort to get my hands on it again, but until then...

do any of you guys have any tips for me as to what character to pick in the original sf2? also, any other advice gameplay-wise would be greatly appreciated. i'm overall pretty confident in my abilities as a fighting game player, especially seeing how over here, big fighting game tournaments are... let's say "few and far between". but i ran my mouth when i was drunk, so i mustn't lose this, my honor as a combatant is on the line.

thanks in advance.


Are you talking about SF 2 world Warrior on the SNES?

Ryu, Guile and Dhalsim are all extremely good in that. Dhalsim standing medium kick is godlike in that, throw a fire ball and just medium kick if they try to jump. Pretty sure Guiles flash kick is quite safe on block and you can throw them if you land afterwards. Guile also has some sonic boom "traps" in World Warrior if you corner them.

Ryu can dizzy someone from any kind of jump in attack, chained into a medium kick or heavy punch cancelled into a fireball. Then repeat and they are almost dead at this point. Ryu and Kens dragon punch are the best moves in the game, have 100% invincibility and priority with any other move they clash with.

World warrior is one of the most broken versions of SF II, not surprising seeing as it was the first. Super Street Fighter II on the SNES was awesome though.


Maining the Roster
thanks for sharing. yeah, i was talking about sf2:ww and yeah, i used to play super. there, i remember using j.hk >> cr.mk >> hadouken as ryu, but i had no idea whether that stuff used to work in ww. according to the internets, though, guile has 70% corner combos, re-dizzies and rapes anyone but sim, so it seems to be a no-brainer :p

however, i'll gladly listen to any of you sharing, direct dialogue is always better than just reading 2 lines in a faq/guide/walkthrough/etc. so keep em coming :)


Ryu/Ken(same in world warrior) or Guile(easiest re-dizzy in the game).

As Guile, just keep sonic booms on the screen until you can close the gap. Sonic booms into tick throws are great, and low m. Kick is a GREAT poke. If you can land a jump in attack, make sure you're charging the sonic boom... jump in attack > h. punch > sonic boom > h. Punch(spinning back fist) = dizzy... repeat the same combo for a re-dizzy and the end of the round.

Ryu/Ken have a similar re-dizzy. Jump in hard kick/punch > st. hard punch > hard tatsu = dizzy ... repeat combo for re-dizzy and the round.


Maining the Roster
thanks phil, actually, those are exactly the things i've been training / learning the timing for. zangief and dhalsim i liked in ssfII, but in WW i really don't. chun li, honda and blanka i never really liked.

the spinning back fist usually whiffs b/c opponent is already dizzy most of the time^^ this game is broken


thanks phil, actually, those are exactly the things i've been training / learning the timing for. zangief and dhalsim i liked in ssfII, but in WW i really don't. chun li, honda and blanka i never really liked.

the spinning back fist usually whiffs b/c opponent is already dizzy most of the time^^ this game is broken
If you want, we can play a little WW via GGPO so you can practice.


just read the description, and if it works as they say it does, this might be the coolest thing ever
Yup! Now if only we could ever convince the FBA devs to port MK2 and UMK3 to FBA then it would be perfect!

Let me know if you're interested in playing sometime.


Maining the Roster
since this thread got bumped recently, might as well let you know that we ended up playing super street fighter 2: the new challengers after all, but practice wasn't necessary as my opponen got his back blown out 5:0. cheers to those who contributed.