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Need help with opponents who jump non-stop.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
I am able to contest with all characters in the game in the neutral while on the ground. But once they decide to go rogue and cross me over with constant jip's or empty jumps in to a 50/50 it all falls off the rails... I play Shaolin Kung Jin and try to throw out S1's, D1's, D2's and his U1. But when to close I either get stuffed, punch in the wrong direction, or eat a jip and full combo... I play online mostly but hate to use the "This net code blows line" unless dealing with Ermac's D3 but thats another thing. I see AA's work just fine in the current net code but I cannot seem to find the right timing, if thats even my problem. I absolutely hate having to use Kung Jin's MB DB4 because it's a waste of the bar I already need to do significant damage and whiffs more often than not and I eat a punish that way. Could someone help me out please...
Exactly what @zoofs said, so just go in training mode and have the opponent ji1 or 2 over and over and just practice stuffing it until it becomes a reaction thing


Alien keeps me up at night
Ima noob, i know i know, whats a trip guard? I know what AA's are but like whats a trip guard and a U1, i thought it mean universal 1 but i just want to be sure


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
I play ancestral and I know you said it isn't working but I just d1 1,1,1 ender of choice. Works practically flawlessly offline. Online.. well you may want to njp or back jump with a 2. Worst case scenario don't let them get so close.

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
trip guard is when you punish someones landing frames after they whiff a jump attack. u1 is up and 1.
Well I feel silly now. I thought trip gaurd was b4 tripping ol skool MK style. I usually just back up and trip if Im not confident on my anti air working. *I'm talking about online play. Offline I'm hoping to get some games soon.*


Get over here!
As a scorpion player my main aa tools are standing 3 (since they sped it up in the beta) and d2. Also if you predict a crossover you can always go for an njp. As others have said though this game is not necessarily "one anti air fits all" the way MK9 was so sometimes certain aa moves will or won't work on certain jump ins from specific characters at specific ranges. You just have to lab your character to find what works best for each opponent and scenario