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Question Need help with a Shazam combo.

Right now ive been in the lab for quite a bit and thoroughly enjoying Shazam, however I come across a particular problem that I have that has been bugging me, I play on pad so forgive me for not knowing the lingo but its:

YY, HM, **BACK A**, JUMP Y, Forward Y, Y, A. HM.

I can pull off the whole combo however in a couple of games I can't get *Back A* to come out fast enough and it kills my whole combo, I've tried timing it and it works then the next time it doesn't vise versa with mashing it out.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I tend to just mash it since its not super strict in timing.

As soon as the MB HM happens, I start mashing B3.


1. Practice the timing. As soon as Shazam lands on the ground, press B3. Even if you do the B3 slightly after he lands on the ground, Shazam will still hit the opponent.

2. If you're playing online, the timing will be different for every person you play because of the online lag. Some people will be more laggy and others will be less laggy.


The timing is actually very lenient - whatever you do, don't mash it, that is not how to learn.
You can actually do it from while he is still in the air, until just after he lands. After he lets go of the opponent, just give it a brief pause and then press b3 once.

KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
I usually press it right after he says Shazam! Not very timing helpful but I'm a drummer and the combo is like a song to me. The lightning blast is my cue to b3.