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NEC '14 Team Tournament Video Team GGA PPJ vs Team RDK Tyrant

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
In addition to the money matches and casual sets after the pools were finished at NEC, Pig of the Hut helped organize an exciting team tournament that night at the hotel. The following video has the team tourney in its entirety, with a unique setup and a lot of great players:

AK Smarrgasm Please post a picture or list every team w its members please, i forgot to take a picture of it.

GGA pimpimjim

A lot of talent on display here, I believe there were 10-12 players each team

Team draft style
Random 50/50 stage pick
Every team can have one life line and bring one player back from the dead
Every team has a WILDCARD, the wildcard player was AK Trepound380 who each team could use once.

Sorry for the audio quality, there were over 50 people in my room and one mic plus game sound.

AK GamerBlake
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