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My version of Fear SAS's Artwork!


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains

A picture I ALTERED (that took me a week, i shaded and added many shadows as well as over 200+ colors) from a pic made From FEAR SAS's Sektor there are noticeable but small differences in the shading on face and armor plate. it took him 6 hours it took me a week. make no mistake this is the picture i used to change and make Cyrax with many Colors dot by dot, and shading to make it look moire like Cyrax!

Fear Sas's art is great and i love it, thats why i used his picture as a blueprint to make Cyrax out of Sektor.

i hope since his art is for the taking Freeware on deviant art. and he allows all pictures to be done with what they will. i can send it to NRS and maybe this could be the new Cyrax, maybe another costume.

hope nobody misunderstands this.

and hey doggy check it out:

@xxFalcon Loverxx
@Apex Kano
@Tim Static
@Alien Substance


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains

on paper i am avery good drawer. but on computer i can not free hand thats why i use Freeware on sites like Fears, to alter my way. i love how people like him do this for others. he even draws raw blueprints. like the head and x line thrwe the head, like the start of drawings, so you have the start done, and you can go from there. these people are awesome.

i don't know why, im a beast at Skething art, but doiong it with a mouse is near impossible and props to people like Fear SAS for doing it.

you should see his Tremor video, he has it on Fast forward you can see his 6 hour long skth in like a fraction of the time. all on PC

but what does everyone think of this Cyrax?
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