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My thoughts on what EVO will have in store for everyone


After MLG, EVO is going to be very, very interesting.

A lot of people wanted PL to get blown up, and he did, but to be fair to him, he got beat by arguably the best player in the scene right now. And yes, he also got beat by Curbo, but I think Curbo shut up a lot of his critics and he took out some of the best before PL and came very close to beating REO. If anything, what happened to PL at MLG was probably a good thing, because he now has some serious levelling up to do between now and EVO. Imagine if he didn’t go to MLG and just went straight to EVO? Despite what you guys say, whatever motivates him to play whether its money or pride, both are going to be there in abundance at EVO and I would assume he wants to finish on top as most of the top players will be vying for.

I assume Pig of the Hut is attending EVO. I’m also keen to see Mr Mileena back in a tournie with all the crazy stuff he has discovered allegedly. It would be super hype if Curbo goes to EVO, and if Mustard and Ketchup can get Glue, Foxy and one of the other EU guys to go, EVO is completely open for anyone.

It just seems after each tournie, more people are placing higher and the competition seems to get progressively harder, which is a good thing.

If CD Jr or REO wins EVO this year and right now they are definitely the favourites in my opinion and all of the above mentioned are there, then there is no question that they are the best in the world.

But I do believe that Pig, Detroit, Curbo, Foxy, Mustard, Glue or Ketchup are equally capable of winning EVO and if people think that’s a joke, that’s fine. If i’ve missed anyone else out, sorry but those guys are the only ones right now, that can challenge VSM for the big prize.

But after Final Round and MLG, i think it has been shown that neither CD Jr or REO are invincible and it shows how much more everyone is improving to keep up.


Bone and Metal
Remember when Michelangelo was the heavy favorite to win EVO 2011? Before that he was in the same seat as Jr. is currently with multiple straight tourney wins in his pocket, but didn't make it to EVO Top 8.

The scene is always changing.
I expect 17 toasty boosts and xray spamming in the grand finals against Jerimiah and Perfect REO 2 ( reo and perfect legend fused together by some crazy act of science.. and then leveled up to two ) of course Jerimiah will win with heart, faith, determination, and of course a glitch that made perfect reo 2 fall through the floor

but honestly I just wish that there is mortal kombat after evo and further more till the next one :)