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My thoughts on the PS4 Dual Shock controller 4.


Mad scientist
Ok, so Ive had the ps4 for roughly a month now and the more i use the new DS4 controller, the more i think this is not a fighting game controller.

The controller itself is well built and much more sturdy then its predecessor, however imo this is its ultimate downfall.

The d-pad is made of a much harder plastic then the old ps3 controller and each d-pad button has a concave curve on it which curves up. In comparison, the ds3 d-pad had no such concave curves and was almost completely flat. This allowed for much smoother inputs with more flow. The ds4 d-pad does not have the same type of flow, infact trying to do kabal nomad dash cancels on it would probably rip your thumbs to shreds. (yes the plastic is that hard)

The input buttons square and circle are also now closer together, the same distance as triangle and X. One might think this is a good thing, but actually its starting to become more of a hindrance when performing certain moves, as you sometimes end up just slightly pushing the square button or circle button on their edges, when trying to perform moves that require triangle and X. Essentially , their is not enough thumb room in between them now.

These issues may seem minor to some, but if your a tournament player that uses a pad, these could become very big issues.

Ive heard of a device called cronus max or controller max? that allows you to use your ps3 controller on your ps4. Has anyone had any experience with this device? How reliable is it?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Damn, after hearing this, i think i will go arcade stick on PS4 no doubt. Not that i had issues with DS3 before, the harder they are the better for me, but having the square and all other buttons so closes really fuck this up.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Personally, I really like the PS4 controller. It's stiff, yeah, but it's pretty comfortable imo and I haven't had any problems with it so far