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My tag is pogse, "mightiest mortal"


Ruthlesss Mayhem
Hello TYM. I had to find a source for injustice, because IGAU is number 1 to me right now.
I'll contribute as much to TYM. The build of this forum is so friendly, awesome job on that. If I get the chance, I will attend a local/major tourney (mostly to experience). I am anticipating an injustice major where the best MK players will participate. MUGEN game engine made it easier for me to understand frames when I started getting in more depth in FGs. oh yeah.. THANK YOU NRS FOR PUTTING FRAME DATA ON TRAINING MODE :D.

Greetings, Pogse.
Welcome to this site of knowledge, learning, darkness, discussion and mind-wracking speculation, named TestYourMight.com!

Take note that if a certain move has multiple hits in it, such as Deathstroke's Sword Spin, the Frame Data will be wrong. The Frame Data is counted by the game's engine, and it only takes into account the first hit of a single move.