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My PSN account was hacked


Forum General Emeritus
Just a quick FYI that someone hacked my PSN account moments ago. I was able to go into Sony's website and remotely change the password and all information related to it. Not sure how the bastard(s) figured it out, because I changed all the information on my old system prior to selling it.

If you got any strange messages from my PSN account in the past couple hours (DCIguy01), they did NOT come from me.

In any event, I've filed a complaint with Sony and if it happens again the bastard will be going down. I've got a good idea who did it, more than likely the guy from eBay I sold the old YLOD system to. I've emailed the guy just for kicks, though I don't expect him to respond to me. However, if the offender is somebody else from the MK community, you better be prepared to take the same punishment you dish out. I don't believe in eye for an eye, but I do believe in reporting people who violate cyber law.


The buyer obviously knows his way around computers, if your account was still on there it could be possible for him to extract it.


Its pretty simple. Once u know the email on that account
U jus click "Forgot your password" and from there....


Forum General Emeritus
wazz said:
Its pretty simple. Once u know the email on that account
U jus click "Forgot your password" and from there....
There is a security question though. No idea how he could have cracked that.
depends on what the question was. if someone knows you well enough they can guess certain questions. if it's a simple one like, "what's your favorite color" (i've seen that one) you could pretty much pick red/blue/green/ or black and one of those is bound to give you a hit.


Bottom line you should have changed it once you shipped that thing, you change the locks when you buy a new house right lol

Glad it worked out though.


Forum General Emeritus
Well, hindsight is 20/20. I should have formatted the HD and wiped everything off the system before selling it.