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My MK Rant

ok there are some things that NEED to be said and this is the only intelligently ran mk site out there so this is the place to say it.

the 3D MKs are TERRIBLE with the exception of MKDA.

1. the problem with midway:
the problem with midway is they have testers who dont test anymore. all they want to do is try to get decent at the game fast so on day 1 release they can beat people then quit a week later and say chicago still owns MK etc etc etc. in my exp with midway testers ray was the only 3D MK tester who actually tested rather then tried a get good quick trick. I used to argue with ray a lot on his views but then i realized that it wasnt his view, it was the view you NEED to have if you want to keep your job on the MK team. the very second ray tried to help improve and innovate in the 3D MK games they fired him. midway is the backstabb capitol of the gaming world so no good testers would ever work there again i assure you. another thing is that the MK testers HATE 3D. when i was in chicago last i chilled with lex that whole week and he talked about 3D games like the devil. now, while lex was no longer a tester that view is shared by several MK testers. they HATE side stepping which is the MAIN feature in a 3D game. what happens is you get a 3D MK that is made to play like a 2D game. in 3D games these crap pokes arent safe like a 2D game so they need adv but 2D games dont generally grant adv like 3D games so the new Mks are screwd up in so many more aspects then i can mention.

2. why MKDA was good:
while there was no adv in MKDA there were pokes that were safe and some unsafe pokes that could be made safe by back dash cancel. branches were useful because MKDA had some good lows and branches would hit in transition to low block making good mixups. if you attempted a branch you would get interrupted after the 2nd hit on block no matter what. you couldnt block,bdc, or finish the branch. MKDA made GREAT use of specials and special abilities like push, powerup, etc etc. there were so many different ways to play that game rather then the new style which consists of low poke the leaves opponant in crouch stun then repeat then thro wor mid launch etc etc etc which EVERY character playes off of making a boring universal game. MKDA had so many things in it that never saw MK again.

3. why MK will NEVER return to power:
1. ONLINE PLAY as the primary err.. ONLY WAY THE GAME IS PLAYED FOR SERIOUS COMPETIONS!! i think if you bann the unthrowable bosses that MKA could be a decent game at best maybe lol BUT not online. moves like scropions wepon F1 is made to be unsafe ALWAYS! not safe online or safe vs anything but fast jab online, offline its free launch for ANYONE! stuff like that kills the game. also, online you cant use the interrupt system that really powered MKDA and helped make th egame great. in MKA like MKDA, yuou can interruot ANYTHING after the 2nd hit is blocked no matter what the opponant does BUT you cant do this online. online makes MK 10xs wore then it already is. online you can poke with infinite attempts with no penality in certain cases.

2. MIDWAY!!!! if madway doesnt realize what a 3D fighter is or just go back to 2D then MK is done and will stay a joke.

3. THE COMMINITY!! the community is a joke filled with kids who mainly care for KAK and KAFatal etc etc etc. hopefully this site can re-build an MK community but it really needs a new GOOD MK game to grow around.


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I have always had a problem with them calling these games 3D. They are barely more 3D than MK4 and MK4 wasn't 3D at all. They have a very weak perception of fighting games which is why thus far they've only made a couple decent ones out of the 10 individual games they've made. It's a very sad state of affairs when in 2006, they still can't get major gameplay components to function correctly.