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My Gamestop Expierence Today With MK9

So I went into GS today to finish paying off my TE & strategy guide. $26 and some odd change. Cool. Thats done. My buddy says "Oh you pre-ordered the TE. We got some in the back if you want to take look at it." Me "YES!"

So he brings it out and I begin to cut the tape off of it. It dawns on me. I cant look at this beautiful piece of machinery, put it back and NOT run out of the store with it! So I said no. Put it back my good sir. I will not be tempted. Patience is a virtue.

So Im still a little steamed. Well a lot steamed actually. So yeah, Tuesday cant come quick enough.......... :mad:
ScheissNussen said:
Yeah that's harsh. I'm surprised some people aren't just using the snatch and run method.
It was close. I almost did. But I would probably have never been able to go to that GS ever again. Plus I would have felt bad for the guy thats always the most helpful & considerate employee they have. Most of the guys in that GS are D-Bags. He's pretty cool though.