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My first thoughts (I have the game :) )


K guys so I have the game, was released early here

I'll have videos and stuff soon. But just to share some of my first thoughts.


- Game looks really good, seems more polished than the demo, maybe it's just me but the models look sharper

- The sound is the best sound MK ever had, really good

- Backgrounds are amazing

- Loading times are a bit long...

- All of the characters are unlocked, besides you know who

- Kratos in MK feels very very odd.


- Gameplay is like you've seen at the demo. didn't notice any changes. (I've yet to figure out what the flip stance button does)

Story Mode

Havn't played it much but from the little I played:

- Voice acting is incredible, probably one of the best in any video game I've played.

It's really fast, tons of fights, sometimes you play against a tag team (kitana/jade for example). It's really good.

Scarlet is for some reason in many of the scenes

Tag Team

K so turns out tag team isn't just something for fun, it's quite deep:

- Tag assit is when the other character jumps in, attacks, and leaves

- Tag attack is switching out but doing an attack while switching

both of those require one bar (both of your characters share the same bar)

- You also have specific combos for each character that leads into a tag. (Just like MKDA-MKA change style)

Tag team is super fun.

Challenge Tower

- It's kinda like MKDA konquest on acid.


HOLY ****! It's about time. Practice mode is 100% perfect. You can do normal practice, AI, Human. You can set it to block, duck, jump, anything. You can also make it so your meter is always full to practice enhanced moves. really cool.

Side Notes:

- 99% sure you can now block Scorp hellfire after 1,1,1

- Sheeva has no mids. She does have one juggle low throw but it really slow

- Smoke has an escape, dash and invisibility

- Sonya Air Dive is really cool. It's quite safe and you can combo from it

I'll add more stuff later.


kool guy
(I've yet to figure out what the flip stance button does)
it does nothing. It only exists because it helped the dev team to check if the animations were alright in game. Later they decided to not take it out of the game because why not

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Did they fix the problems with the demo, the block infinities and what not?
Virtually everything you know from the demo is tweaked or fixed in this version.

Basically, all of the demo combo vids are now worthless.

Also, on Xbox with the game installed there are virtually no load times in story mode or challenge for me.

Story mode actually hasn't had a single second of loading screen and I've played for a few hours.



HOLY ****! It's about time. Practice mode is 100% perfect. You can do normal practice, AI, Human. You can set it to block, duck, jump, anything. You can also make it so your meter is always full to practice enhanced moves. really cool.
This is incorrect. The record feature in training mode is a complete failure.


I played the game last night. The biggest and most notable change from the demo is the gravity. Juggles are much stricter in terms of timing and precision then was the case in the demo. The characters fall faster than in the demo. Alot of the same combos are possible but now you may have to dash more to do them.
I used Subzero in the demo so I can speak on the changes to him from the demo.
1. His damage is increased on his xray from 28% in the demo to 33% in the final build.
2. Naked B+BP fully charged freezes your opponent allowing for a dash in follow up combo.(This does not work if the B+BP is part of a combo, it will just knock them away, ending the combo.)
3. Ice clone lasts for 3 seconds now with about 1 second recharge time.( Its still REALLY REALLY good.) I didnt check out any other properties on the clone because I only had a limited amount of time on the game.

I also used Reptile and he is really really sick. Hes got great zoning, great mixups between his highs,lows and overheads and he does decent damage with no meter.
Forceball juggles are in and pretty easy to do.
Slide is super fast and hits low.
Elbow dash is even faster.
His normal F,F, and B,B dash's are not great. In fact hes a pretty slow moving and floaty feeling character, but footsies arent exactly what make him great, its his zoning and mixups.
Biggest combo I hit with him was FP,BP,BP,slow forceball,FK,BP,fast forceball,FK,BP,Xray for 53% I believe.
Reptile is alot of fun.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Oh my god, 53%????

Duuuuude...you just made my weekend.


i got the poison
2. Naked B+BP fully charged freezes your opponent allowing for a dash in follow up combo.(This does not work if the B+BP is part of a combo, it will just knock them away, ending the combo.)
Can you still do :bp:fp:bp:d:r+:fkIce Blast?
Good that they buffed Sub-Zero's :l:bp


Can you still do :bp:fp:bp:d:r+:fkIce Blast?
Good that they buffed Sub-Zero's :l:bp
You could but why would you want to? :bp,:bp,ice blast or B+:fp,:bp,ice blast are way better because they freeze the opponent on the ground so you can get more damage as opposed to:bp:fp:bp ice blast which freezes him in mid air. Also F+:bk ice blast is better to.


I also have the game since friday but I was too busy playing to write some thoughts on the game :p

First of all I can only say this: this game is DISGUSTINGLY GOOD!!!

There is so much content in it. Story mode is pure awesomeness, practice mode very well done and in general is a very polished game.

As an Xbox user I didnt have the chance to play the demo, so I cant state any major differences with certainty but from all the videos that I had watched I can also confirm that the damage scaling is a lot more reasonable. Max combo damage that I have managed to pull off with Subzero is a 53% with an X-ray in it...13 hits i believe.

Characters also have a nice feel of gravity and weight. Jugles indeed are more strict which i believe is a good thing.

Also the whole chain buffering of the moves is very well done. You just need to press the commands corectly and the animations play out nicely.

Im very pleased with the effort of NRS here. Bravo to the devs and the whole Boon team. This is how a fighting game should be in terms of content, detail, fighting system, graphics and everything.


Ah Cool. Didn't think of that. Then i must find another way to apply the :r:bk:fp+:bpTundra Slice
I have experimented a lot with the Tundra slice combo in order to get it inside a bigger one as a finisher, but honestly I cant find something usefull. As Dark_Rob stated, its not something special damage wise and you can use other finishers for better results. I just love the animation of it because of the Ice sword usage but well...

Anyway I believe we are indeed offtopic :p


Practice modes are the following:

-Practice tutorial
-Fatality practice
-Solo Practice
-Tag team practice

The practice tutorial is where you can learn some basic stuff but are presented in a very nice way. The game guides you to do some stuff that you must know in order to become effective in the game. Its not something uber advanced but its great for begginers and newcomers to the MK mechanics.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, practice mode offering all those options is great. Who cares about the recording option, considering that's not the point of training, learning the basics it's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

I agree with Q and Repulsar. The training modes are awesome. One of my GS's had a little demo of it and later on I'll be playing in the tournament where I live.
Yeah, practice mode offering all those options is great. Who cares about the recording option, considering that's not the point of training, learning the basics it's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

I agree with Q and Repulsar. The training modes are awesome. One of my GS's had a little demo of it and later on I'll be playing in the tournament where I live.
Eh? That is very much the point of training mode. You can use the recording function to help practice against punishing against certain moves or for practicing on how to get out of specific setups.

For example, the cyrax bomb trap is going to be huge for cyrax players, and as the opponent, i want to know on how to get out of that. With a record feature i could set the air cyrax to do the bomb trap against me so that i can learn the specific timing on how to escape it. In SF4 you could use it to learn how to deal with Rufus dive kicks with your character, in BB you can use to to practice instant blocking etc. It is such a useful feature in my eyes and it's sad that it isn't there, but i'll just deal with it.


Actually there is a record feature but I havent tried myself yet. Many are saying that it sucks but I dont know why. Ill just have to test it out...


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
Just got home. Installing the game right now. I'll give my feedback after I play. I prolly won't be back online tonight lol. Don't miss me too much


For practice mode, can you record inputs and make the AI repeat exactly what you told it to do? They had this function in SF4. It would be awesome if they had it in MK9 as well.

Edit: now Imma read the thread.. lol

Edit2: okay.. so apparently its shit. ): I like practicing with recorded inputs. It helps me overcome some things that I foresee as a problem to me such as instant fireballs with Kabal.