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My first MK game, questions!

Hello. Some time ago i bought Injustice, which was basically my first fighting game ever. I have been playing it since launch and i still suck, but i do enjoy it. Anyway, about MK: i bought it the other day because i heard it was made by the same team that made and injustice AND it was very cheap. But it is much different then i thought, not that it is a bad thing, but i do need some help. Question 1: Blocking is what i struggle with most...kinda weird to have a button for it now. Is there any guides/vidoes on blocking? Question 2: Is any characters more newcomer friendly than others? Or should i pick who i like by their personality? Thanks in advance.
1. There's really not much to it. You have 4 stances in MK: neutral (doing nothing), block, crouch, and crouch block. There are 4 main hit levels: high, mid, low, and overhead. Each of these moves will impact your opponent differently depending on their block status.

If you are in neutral (doing nothing), you can be hit by all 4 hit levels. Obviously.
If you are blocking high, then you will block out high, mid, and overhead attacks. Low attacks will hit you.
If you are crouching, high attacks will whiff (miss completely). Mid attacks will hit most characters. Overhead and lows will always hit.
If you are crouch blocking, you are immune to all attacks except overhead. All other attacks will cause chip damage, though.

This sets up a 50:50 situation when your opponent is roughing you up. Do you block high or low? If you block low, you can be hit by overheads. If you block high, you can be hit by low attacks. You (generally) can't defend against both at the same time, so you must guess based on your opponent's style. There actually is a way to defend against both vs. certain moves and characters, but that's a more advanced concept (fuzzy guarding). Focus on other things first!

The only confusing part is that the training module in the game doesn't give you the correct hit levels. When it says medium, it actually means overhead. When it says high, it could mean either high or med. This has been fixed in Injustice, but I have no idea why it hasn't been patched in MK.

When I played Sub-Zero, I generally always held the block button. I would let go when I wanted to move, dash, attack, or throw. But the general rule is that I always held the block button. When I was being spammed by a projectile character, I would duck and then let go of block so that the projectile will safely go over my head and that I wouldn't be slowed down due to chip damage. Other characters have their own style for blocking.

From here, just practice!

2. When choosing a character, I always go through a tier list until I find a character that fits my style. If you aren't "feeling" a top-tier character, then they're not going to work for you. Choose another one. It's not always about tiers, but it can be. I chose Sub-Zero, and he severely limited my success in MK. He has some of the worst matchups in any fighting game I've ever played.

Good beginner characters include Smoke, Kenshi (way too spammy for me), Scorpion, Ermac, or Noob. Just be careful with some of these. Learn the difference between safe and unsafe moves. Because the first mistake that everybody makes in MK is to spam Scorpion's teleport. This is unsafe. If your opponent blocks this, he'll get a free combo. I play online Scorpions that, even after I punish 3 or 4 in a row, will continue to teleport on me randomly. Don't do that!

EDIT: Unless you're playing Injustice. Spamming Scorpion's teleport in injustice (coupled with random j3 and j1) will pretty much guarantee a win against everybody, even professional gamers.
Also, I would strongly recommend Tom Brady's MK app. It's called "MK Living Guide." It's available on Android and iPhone. It costs $4, but it literally taught me how to play fighting games. It breaks down every character's specials, normals, etc. It tells you if they're safe, when to use them, their weaknesses, etc. It has optimized combos for each character (EX combos, x-ray combos, corner combos, etc) and great overall strategies. People will say that all of that information is available online, and that is somewhat true. But you'll have to scroll through hundreds of pages, sift through true information from false, etc. It's just not worth it. It's one of the best video game related purchases I've made. Can't recommend it enough

I wish he made one for Injustice, too! I don't think he's legally allowed to since he was a coauthor on the official guide.
I would say that Kung Lao is actually a good beginner guide, he has great anti airs in his uppercut and spin and you can start out with easier combos for him. Also Raiden is pretty easy at a beginner level because he has really good special moves which beginners tend to love using.

In MK, your movement is a bit more open in my opinion than in injustice. You can dash forward or backward and immediately press a button to block without having to start walking backwards. An important thing you will want to learn is dash blocking. If an opponent is just throwing projectiles at you full screen, you can dash, then block immediately and dash again rather than waiting for the dash to recover. It also allows you to dash up to an opponent and immediately attack, whereas in Injustice a forward dash leaves you at the opponents advantage, in MK you can immediately cancel your dash into an attack, for instance: dash 111 if you are using Scorpion. That way you don't have to risk getting anti aired by jumping in.

Another really important thing to learn is your characters anti airs. In MK9, all characters have an anti air option. Some characters can use a special move like Kung Lao's spin or Ermacs lift whereas other characters will use their d2 (uppercut) like Scorpion and Johnny Cage. Eventually you can learn to anti air with normal moves such as just pressing 2 with Johnny Cage or Smoke when the character is at the right height to hit them out of the air. This is a more advanced tactic so I would recxomend a character with a good uppercut like Kung Lao or Johnny Cage to learn.

Finally, characters in MK's cross up jumps are actually more difficult to get away from than in Injustice. Every characters jumping punches give them advantage so if they jump and punch you, you basically have to block whatever comes next. Also, the characters jump in punches are much easier to hit. Think of it like every character having Batmans jumping 2 attack. I'd a character jumps over you they will be able to hit you with a punch almost every time unlike in Injustice. A somewhat decent strategy can be jumping over and over the opponent. If you have a smaller character like Johnny cage though you can usually uppercut them out of their jump over.

I know this was a long post but I hope it helps, I could have gone on a lot longer haha


Cage, Liu Kang, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero re very beginner friendly in my opinion although this is not to say other characters are necessarily super hard to pick up.

Just learn at your own pace and take your time.

Scorpion990 went over blocking nicely and such so I won't repeat.

What character(s) are you currently most interested in for Mortal kombat?

If you want someone to play with and help you out more directly and are on PSN, I'd be glad to help too :).


Stay Puft
When I first started playing a bit more seriously I picked up Raiden, he has easy but high damaging combos and hes pretty good all around.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Beginner friendly is definitely Johnny Cage, his Rushdown meta game puts you in the pace of the game easely
Scorpion is more foostie oriented friendly, he is easy to use at some level.
Noob Saibot is more Zoning oriented friendly, corner specialist and easy to use.
Sektor is hybrid oriented friendly, he can play all styles the meta game has to over, rushdown, zoning, footsie, and its also easy to use at some level of gameplay.

now up from there, you will find characters who either can play rushdown, footsies, zoning, or all of them, but as the tier goes high, the meta game will become harder, from execution or adaptation stand point.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I noticed many on here dodn't really mention this, so here it goes. To find a main your comfy with, I played through the entire story mode, it allows you to use a large percentage of the cast and lets get a grip on the character really nicely. The other option is do the whole challenge tower, it will teach some fundementals and again will allow you to learn how to use all the characters in the game. Once I found a main I went in the lab and would learn the basics of said character and then practice using them on the AI starting on the easiest option slowly working my way up. I main Mileena and using the method I used above and I went from using simple tactics to more advanced in a very short span of time.

Thats just how I learned, MK9 and IGAU are the 1st FGs I have ever tried to go competitive with.
Yeah, i just finished the story mode and i think i like Raiden the best. Did some practice with him and managed to actually chain some combos with his X-Ray move. And besides, his second outfit is so awesome x)


Stay Puft
Yeah, i just finished the story mode and i think i like Raiden the best. Did some practice with him and managed to actually chain some combos with his X-Ray move. And besides, his second outfit is so awesome x)
Try the secondary color of his default costume, go to select your costume then press START instead of A/X (depending on your console) and it'll pick the alternate color. Red Raiden is by far my favorite costume. :)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
As for beginner characters, I'd say Sub-Zero, Ermac, Reptile, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Liu Kang and Kung Lao.