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My eTokki 360 Converter crapped out...

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
So my eTokki PS2-to-360 converter crapped out in one shape or another while I was at GGA, last Thursday.

What happened was this (in chronological order):

- Noticed that it wasn't allowing my controller to work after plugging it in. Also wasn't lighting up the Analog red light on my controller

- Restarted my 360 and it worked just fine after that.

- Went to another 360 station to play my match on stream and it didn't work again. I noticed that it would light up the orange lights on the converter, but then they would go dead. Borrowed someone else's pad to play my match.

- Went to a third 360 to see if I could get it to work on that, but the same result with the orange lights on the converter. Still wouldn't work even after restarting that 360. Pretty much gave up after that.

Anyone else ever experience anything like this with their eTokki 360 converter?