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Murder Mitten [Michigan] : Location Location Location

Wenis of Lore

a-hoy! i'm starting this topic to post a map of michigan for everyone to show where they are from..... so i can come to your homes and kill you after i rage quit when you beat me and bury your body on mackinac isla-- iiiiiii mean, so we can get an idea of where everyone is located in relation to one another. that way we can find where the closest place to meet is, or even if somebody was to host a thingy sometime.... word.

i live in kalamazoo, how about you?:reptile:



I live in Davison and although I'm young I'll try my best to make it to any get togethers for offline MK just let me know when you have a spot. Hit me up on xbl also gt is TYM Kombo.