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Most Mobile Unlocks are not unlocking on Android.

I'm using a Galaxy Note 2 and a PS4. I've unlocked New 52 Green Lantern, 5,000 Power Credits, One Bronze Booster Pack and that's it. I've beaten Single Player on the console 2 times and nothing unlocked on Android from that. I've beaten Speed Run multiple times and I didn't get New 52 Flash. I've also gotten to level 40 on the PS4 version and I haven't unlocked GL's Power Battery or Orcale. I've won a ranked match and I didn't get Fortress of Solitude. So I'm under the impression anything besides those 3 that I have unlocked, will NOT unlock.

I'm not the only person that's having this problem either. I looked up a gamefaqs thread and there are other people experiencing this. One of them which is a PC user, so it's not just the PS4. I hope this bug gets patched on Android soon because I want to complete the Android app.
That's great for anyone that needs the console skins, but I'm looking for the mobile version's stuff. and that account didn't unlock them either. Meaning the android version is bugged. Idk where to leave a bug report. I like to play the mobile version just because of the roster the game has and my completionist nature. Looking at Star Trek Trexels, I think Injustice Mobile could have been a lot worse.