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Mortal Kombat Giveaway!

Some douchebag is giving away two copies of MK9 for the PS3:

Here's the copypasta from the description:

"I wanted the bookends, and I wanted an extra stick to mod for Street Fighter. Sure enough that left me with two extra copies of Mortal Kombat 2011.

I didn't want to do this at first, because I feel like it's taking shortcuts as far as getting subscribers and whatever, but let me explain why I'm doing it: 1. A while back, a celebrity actually noticed me on my comedy channel. Unfortunately, some stalker chick decided to visit it ten thousand times, and the channel got locked - the view count, subscribers, and likes came to a halt. So I thought this would be a good way to make up for that. And... 2. I have way too much stuff I need to get rid of. The Asus laptop, this Macbook Pro, the GBA from the Game Boy thing I did, a couple JAMMA boards... eventually I said you know what, these are brand new, my gaming subscribers love video games, so why not give them away. Everyone wins! Unless, you know. You suck at MK.

So here's how you can win the new Mortal Kombat for the PS3:

1. Subscribe to my comedy channel here: http://www.youtube.com/TerryMastersTV . Be warned, I'm not funny. One random person will be chosen from my subscribers list there to get the first copy of MK9. And/or

2. I'll also be picking one random person out of my fans list on Facebook, found here: http://www.facebook.com/TerryxMasters . So two chances to win, who'da thunk it.

Good luck everybody, I'll be looking forward to you kicking my ass in a game that I bought you.

(Copyright blah blah whatever I reserve the right to change the rules at any time incase Best Buy decides to cancel my preorders or something equally stupid, yadda yadda cannot be held not liable and various other legal jargon etc etc.)"

Also, best YouTube thumbnail ever.


Mr. Sexy Pants
To save you time, just send the copies over to me and I'll click on your videos 10001 times :D

jk but really cool stuff man! good luck with the contest!