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Mortal Kombat Emulator?

So we all know that MAME is good but it's proven to be pretty inconsistent. Playing MK games on there is serviceable but it's really designed for so many games that it's hard to get them even remotely close. This is why Capcom fans put out the Final Burn emulator, which emulates pretty much all the Capcom/SNK fighters and does it much better then MAME, and Killer Instinct fans made u64 which runs KI 1 and 2 way better then MAME (mame might not even be able to run it...correct me here). So why hasn't this been done for the Mortal Kombat games? Is there no one out there that will do it? It would be huge as I'm sure they all run on similar hardware along with NBA Jam.


not sure if this would ever happen, i usually play some of the mortal kombat project games, some good some terrible.


Elder God
zeus hardware that mk4 arcade use is hard as hell to emulate, because there is very little known about it


bug nerk for mk on fba

MK 1-u3 are all properly emulated as it is, the problem is none of the emulators that run these properly run kaillera properly.

The emulators you described are still based on mame drivers. They usually just focus on speeding things up. Rarely do they fix emulation, or make things run properly. So if you added 3d acceleration to MK4, it'd still look like crap, and run at a weird speed (they can never get the sped up games to play at the right speed imo.)

On a side note: I'm pretty sure a sega fan created FBA (originally it was called After Burner Emulator) and the cps2 decryption was all an aftermath. I've always heard that it was created due to the developers disliking of mame's source.

What I want to see is t-unit and wolf unit added to FBA... I've bugged Nerk (O746) for this for ages it seems like now. He always says he'll get around to it one day. If he added these drivers to nFBA, we could also possibly see his p2p anti delay tricks added. If you don't know what I'm talking about, try nFBA w/ Last Blade with someone who lives REALLY far away, 200ms+ ping and shit... You'll feel like you're connected in the same area, it's amazing. UMK3 needs this!!!