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Mortal Kombat 9 Quick PC Version Overview + Ranked Matches


Elder God
If you guys didn't know, the best selling NRS title, Mortal Kombat 9 hit PC shelves yesterday. I support fighting games on PC in general, so I picked up this release for Steam. Nonetheless, I'm extremely excited about the modding capabilities for this version of the game - lets see what the community can come up with! Check out some of the quirks and differences in the PC version of MK9 (in video form) after the break!

Some quirks with the PC version right now:
  1. No (obvious way) in the MK9 UI to disable microphones (this may have been the cause of some of my feedback in a few of my ranked matches. Other people seem to have this problem as well. Anyone know a workaround?
  2. No option in the UI to play the game windowed; this is huge for people with multi-monitor setups like myself. Hopefully, High Voltage will either patch this option in. I'm sure eventually there will be some kind of workaround
Matchmaking has all the quirks of the 360 version and PS3 versions - so no region filter. Despite all that, I'm fairly sure that the netcode on PC ver is better than 360/PS3 - I've had some decent matches on PC, but I'm on fiber as well (YMMV)

Source: FGCSabin


The netcode is definitely much better on the PC version. However, there are strange slowdowns that occur that seem specific to some stages when playing online. But when things work well, the online is the most flawless version of MK9 that you can play. I was playing in a Koth at one point that almost felt like offline.

Hopefully High Voltage puts out a patch to address the bugs, this is so close to being the best version of the game.


For anyone experiencing the random slow motion slow downs there is a simple fix i did . I went into my nvidia control panel and turned off Vertical Sync


I had a match that only was slow-motion, from beginning to the end. I think the other guy had a low fps-rate and this is how online fixes it. But I'd say that the online is better, the only issue I'm having is when I try to create a private match it crashes.

For receiving voice, I think the "Dialog" setting in audio options controls it. For transmitting voice you control it in Steam itself I think, in the settings window of Steam there is a voice tab where you can change the voice to push-to-talk. Try this out, not sure if this works though.

For windowed mode I tried out a few things but could not find anything. Even though it's a UE3 game they limited the settings. Tried out launch options and trying a few things in the config file(since the .ini file is encrypted) but nothing worked.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Are Jax's and Smoke's resets confirmed to be still in and unscaled? I don't think NRS wants to pull that stunt again after what else it messed up in the Vita version.


hi all , i want buy it for pc , and i just bougth a madcatz Fighpad sFxTEkken , someome know if this fightpad works on pc ? because i tested mine and it's don't work


i hope there is a way with some drivers to make the fightpad works on pc because i really dont want play again with shit xbox controller


There is a .ini file, you should try modify it to disable steam voice. I can't test myself i don't have the game...
.ini looks like that:

resolution = {1920, 1080}
antialiasing = 6
blend_antialiasing = 0
anisotropy = 16
max_texture = 4096
shadow_size = 2048
brightness = 0.500000
contrast = 0.500000
gamma = 0.500000
configured = true
device_hash = 0xFFFFFFFF
steam_voice = true <===== change it for "false", save and close the .ini and launch the game.

Not sure if its what you're talking about "microphones"


Are Jax's and Smoke's resets confirmed to be still in and unscaled? I don't think NRS wants to pull that stunt again after what else it messed up in the Vita version.

Yeah, it's MK KE from the consoles ported to the PC. The only differences are PC settings + new controller support system implemented and the Nekropolis also shows the DLC characters.

No costumes from the Vita :(.


The Netherrealm beckons
The game IS region locked.

Depending on what your download region is in your Steam settings, you will get a completely different set of lobbies depending on what region you choose. This can be easily changed however, but that is still technically region locking


I'm a literal Sloth
Vsync should've been an in game option and not have to do it from the video card itself zaf

This game could've just been ported weird and they didn't give an option though (I'm speculating, I don't actually have the game).

Zero 1

Subby Player
No (obvious way) in the MK9 UI to disable microphones (this may have been the cause of some of my feedback in a few of my ranked matches. Other people seem to have this problem as well. Anyone know a workaround?
Go to your AppData\Roaming\MKKE folder and edit options.ini, at the bottom it has steam_voice = true,

Change the value to false


Vsync should've been an in game option and not have to do it from the video card itself zaf

This game could've just been ported weird and they didn't give an option though (I'm speculating, I don't actually have the game).

its weird because in the nvidia control panel it asks you how to set the vsync. one of the options is to let the game decide and that is a terrible thing. there is no in game option for this. so you have to force vsync off
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