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Mortal Kombat 2 Reveals First Look at Karl Urban as Johnny Cage

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
I was afraid it was gonna look exactly like this . Love the actor but in my honest opinion NOTHING about him screams “Johnny Cage” .. I’m still super confused about this casting decision…

Subby Z

Looks awful.

We all knew this though. Everyone said it since the reveal. Damn I swear I don’t hate MK. Lately they just make so many bad decisions though.

Was this a WB idea? Who signed off on this?


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
You guys are all crazy. Karl Urban is an elite level actor and he is going to nail it am I sure.

You sound like all those fucks that spent years hating on Ben Affleck as Batman or Heath Ledger as Joker, before they see anything. I mean seriously, you lot are all just a bunch of whinging defeatists. You hear a MK film is coming, you see a awesome actor that has nailed some absolutely iconic charterers like Dredd and Dr Macoy and your every thought is about how terrible this is.

I honestly do not know how people like that function. People that see everything in negatives. It astounds me. You all need therapy.


I was afraid it was gonna look exactly like this . Love the actor but in my honest opinion NOTHING about him screams “Johnny Cage” .. I’m still super confused about this casting decision…
Name recognition still matters and while I'm skeptical of this choice I do think he's one of the actors that could pull it off. I'm hopeful the writers have kept his age, appearance, and physical capabilities in mind though, as that last one especially is a huge concern for me.

People seem to forget that MK films are still mostly martial arts films first and a shitload of cuts and CGI do not a good film make. It's a hell of a lot easier when you're handling a ninja wearing a hood, but cage is supposed to be JCVD at home (or...the other way around maybe?) so this is going to hinge on them selling that. I have no doubt he can handle the lines and the attitude, but it's all about the fight scenes.

Linden Ashby was younger and had some level of athleticism. Plus all of his future works are improved if you just assume that the MK plot was cannon to whatever show you're watching him in and now he's dealing with whatever stupid bullshit and thinking "i once punched a 4 armed half dragon man in the balls and pushed him off a cliff, and now i'm dealing with...."

Subby Z

You guys are all crazy. Karl Urban is an elite level actor and he is going to nail it am I sure.

You sound like all those fucks that spent years hating on Ben Affleck as Batman or Heath Ledger as Joker, before they see anything. I mean seriously, you lot are all just a bunch of whinging defeatists. You hear a MK film is coming, you see a awesome actor that has nailed some absolutely iconic charterers like Dredd and Dr Macoy and your every thought is about how terrible this is.

I honestly do not know how people like that function. People that see everything in negatives. It astounds me. You all need therapy.
Idk that anyone ever seriously thought heath ledger would suck as Joker. I certainly didn’t, snd he nailed the part.

Ben Affleck DID suck as batman though or at the very least isn’t memorable in the role.

Karl Urban is a great actor. He’s not Johnny Cage though.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Idk that anyone ever seriously thought heath ledger would suck as Joker. I certainly didn’t, snd he nailed the part.
Everyone did.. it is a famous case of this. The entire internet had a collective spaz attack about it, and this was back when people didn't spaz out about these kind of things...

Ben Affleck DID suck as batman though or at the very least isn’t memorable in the role.
I think if you ask around that is the minority opinion. He keeps wining the "best live action batman" vote at comic-con almost every year for example, even after The Batman came out. Go to a youtube video of a scene from one of the zach films and it is just all comments on how good he was and how wasted he was in those films. Opinions are opinions so there is no right or wrong, but most of the comic book community really love his version. They even had a massive petition that was sent to James Gunn and Peter Safran with 100s of 1000s signatures to try and get him hired for the new dcu... no other actors, even Henry Cavill got that from the fan base.

Basically a LOT of people think he was the best Batman, but in the worst films. Even if that is not true, he did a great job, imo, and all that "bat-fleck" hate was just reactionary bullshit.


Life was wasted on you.
Affleck was the superior Bruce Wayne out of the recent Batmen/Bruce Waynes if you ask me. He wasn't a terrible Batman, but definitely not the best.

I love Karl Urban and I'm sure he can pull off Johnny Cage just fine. Will it sit well with others? Maybe, maybe not. It might sit better if it turns out to be good, but if it was a severe cast of being miscast, well, we'll definitely see/hear/read the results of that.

Karl Urban slays as Butcher and Dredd (god, we need a sequel). I have faith in his skill, but that can only do so much. I'll remain positively hopeful but completely open to the possibility that this may shit the bed.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I was afraid it was gonna look exactly like this . Love the actor but in my honest opinion NOTHING about him screams “Johnny Cage” .. I’m still super confused about this casting decision…
outside of Liu Kang and Kung Lao, the entire casting decision of this MK since the first part is weird

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Everyone did.. it is a famous case of this. The entire internet had a collective spaz attack about it, and this was back when people didn't spaz out about these kind of things...

I think if you ask around that is the minority opinion. He keeps wining the "best live action batman" vote at comic-con almost every year for example, even after The Batman came out. Go to a youtube video of a scene from one of the zach films and it is just all comments on how good he was and how wasted he was in those films. Opinions are opinions so there is no right or wrong, but most of the comic book community really love his version. They even had a massive petition that was sent to James Gunn and Peter Safran with 100s of 1000s signatures to try and get him hired for the new dcu... no other actors, even Henry Cavill got that from the fan base.

Basically a LOT of people think he was the best Batman, but in the worst films. Even if that is not true, he did a great job, imo, and all that "bat-fleck" hate was just reactionary bullshit.
batflec ressembles a lot the arkham franchise batman, we all can relate, lmao

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Huh? Sonya, Kano, Jax, Sub-Zero and Scorpion were perfection
scorpion looked fat, on top of Hiroyuki Sanada being the stater pack for any asian role and always the same pick, Ben Wang would've been a much better fit and one that would grow in the role overtime
Jax looked like steve harvey

besides the fight scenes looked like shit too

Art Lean

Looking forward to it, and especially Karl Urban.

I honestly don't understand why everyone's moaning about him being too old, when Cage was portrayed in his 50s in both MKX and MK11 (with MK1 then retaining the same voice actor, which effectively carried over that same representation of him into the current game, especially vocally, even if he was meant to be younger); and the filmmakers have simply chosen to use a version of Cage from the later games rather than the earlier ones. Urban's a great likeable actor and I have the utmost faith he'll bring a lot of fun and charisma to the role.

At the end of the day, this does not have to match up to the original games biographies or Mortal Kombat: The Album ("He's 29, he's mean, he's in great shape; the one and only, Johnny Cage!"). It's not set in 1992 and doesn't have to be beholden to specific details.

A key thing to remember is, both MK95 and MK21 already changed Shang Tsung to being middle aged instead of elderly, taking their influence from MK2 instead of MK92 (hate how I can't call it MK1 anymore!). I remember as a teenager thinking "Why wasn't Shang Tsung elderly?" in the 1995 movie, but ultimately it didn't matter.

The animated MK Legends films have already gone completely off the established lore path, changing plenty of events from how the games originally depicted them to have occurred, so I don't see what's wrong with a live action film simply doing the same, taking elements here and there from various games.

If it's good, it's good, if it's bad, it's bad, and I'll wait until it's released to make my mind up on the matter. Karl Urban playing an MKX/MK11 inspired version of Cage doesn't make a difference to me on that matter and I'm not fussed in the slightest if he's not going to be the same age as Sonya.

In respect of the movies, I still prefer MK95 to MK21; it was a far more simplistically faithful version of Mortal Kombat and loved the location shooting in Thailand, whilst there were some very strange narrative choices in MK21 that didn't make much logistical sense to me, BUT, there was a lot I did like in MK21, especially the casting. I have optimistic faith they've taken a lot of the feedback onboard for MK2 about what didn't work in MK21 and we will get a much stronger sequel because of it. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but Karl Urban is certainly one of the many positive reasons I'm looking forward to it and I am massively grateful that we are even getting a sequel.
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some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Cage is often written as a "has been" actor.. even in mk9 he was, but in games before that as well.... Karl Urban is at the right age for him in 2025 to be a actor that peaked in the late 80s and 90s cinema.

I would have liked to see his belt buckle on the poster, though... and I do hope they have the tattoo.