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More XBLA Ettiquette

Ok, so here's the deal; we all know that dropping early or intentionally lagging the connection is wrong (or at least, that's the prevailing opinion here... the people on XBL don't seem to agree, lol). More and more, I've been running into something that I feel falls is the same, "What a douchebag," category. I'll explain.

I go into a Versus Challenger room, and there's 2-3 people in there besides myself. I watch the games while I'm patiently waiting my turn, and then when I'm up, I win. No trash-talking, nor was it an embarassing ass-stomping, or anything like that. Fair fight, tough but clean.

So I won. It's the next guy's turn, and I get to go again. Only the guy who lost boots me. No reason given, nothing like, "Dude, my 2 other friends want to join us", he just boots me, and continues to play. Effectively, I've been booted because I won.

So, where would you guys put this on a scale from, "Totally reasonable," to, "Complete douchebag-ery"? I'm a little back-and-forth on it, since it's his room and all, but on the other hand, if he wanted to play in every game, why not just create a, "Versus," game, where only 2 people can be in the room?
I come back and tell them to "make a private room you fucking idiots." Then Leave BEFORE I get booted for that comment.

Yea Basically, Don't drop period. Not on Fatalities and not after one combo. If you lag stay out of Ranked(this ones iffy) Unless its intentional then stop downloading your midget porn and play the game.
As vern would say "That's not the correct term!" "It's Dwarf porn" :) Ive been booted a few times, and the sad part is im not really all that good. It just goes to show how stupid some of these people on XBL are.


I agree.. the etiquette on this game can be pretty bad. I find myself constantly getting booted out of Versus Challenger matches because I keep winning. I also run into people all the time that will quit right before I do the fatality and either leave or continue playing and repeat the process. Anyone who does that in my match gets bad feedback.
The ett. on UMK360 is astonishing...its hilarious and sad at the same time to see how furious people get. I admit that I get mad and yell at stuff like slow button registers and and my own dumbass faults for not blocking and stuff like that...but if you are going to yell and cus out someone, do it with your mic off.


i get booted very often for stupid things like?
1. calling me a noob for winning???? makes no sence i think you would all agree is not very physicaly and mentaly correct

2.beating the host about 4 times with diffrent characters and choose smoke coz your working your way across the board to prove that you can take him with everyone and he boots you not even going to the game.

3.Not liking you accent which does happen too me??? its not my fualt im southern and your all proper mostly this happens to the british.

4.having a good time

5.laughing because you beat the host and getting all the party members to laugh with you


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It's really just a type of player that exists in every game who does these things. MK might seem to attract more of them for some reason. I think Ed Boon is probably just like them.


well at least they dont track us down and freeze our bodys and rip them in have or pull off there mask and eat us bit by bit so i can handle getting booted : )
So it is true...video games do make people violent...(sarcasm)

I need to quit doing ranked matches and just have more fun in player matches because I did get my century achievement, although I still need to do a friendship...damnit!

I think once I get that achievement, all my competativeness will decrease and I can just have more fun and enjoy winning or losing.