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Monitor//TV MS question


okay so here the thing..i play on a 50" LG TV . i got a really good deal on it and according to Displaylag .com, it has a GREAT rating with 28ms response time.. i guess this equates to about 1.5 frames as i think 16.66ms =1 frame (please correct me if im wrong about this )

now at work - my secondary monitor is an 27 " ASUS thats rated EXCELLENT with 11ms response time.
my question is that is it worth taking home this monitor for that 17ms difference when playing ? or will i truly not even notice a difference?


The Yankees blew a 3-0 lead in the 2004 ALCS.
okay so here the thing..i play on a 50" LG TV . i got a really good deal on it and according to Displaylag .com, it has a GREAT rating with 28ms response time.. i guess this equates to about 1.5 frames as i think 16.66ms =1 frame (please correct me if im wrong about this )

now at work - my secondary monitor is an 27 " ASUS thats rated EXCELLENT with 11ms response time.
my question is that is it worth taking home this monitor for that 17ms difference when playing ? or will i truly not even notice a difference?
I recently switched from an LED TV (not sure about the response time but it was probably terrible) to a monitor with a 5ms response time. I've definitely seen a significant difference but I'd say try playing with the monitor first and then if you think it's worth it switch.
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Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
I play on a 5ms monitor. I went to a tournament and immediately noticed a difference when playing on a 1ms monitor.

You will notice a difference.


thanks for the input . the only thing is that if i take this one from work i pretty much have to replace it .. looks like im prob gonna have to bring my xbox1 into work and play a few matches to try to see if i can notice the difference..