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Money Matches to Learn

I'll start off by saying I've been to lot of tournaments, and truly believe that to get really good at something you need that kind of competition to push yourself (I'm taking the untravelled road here right lol). But I've never been to a video game tournament, and have just recently started with casuals sessions. And really I'm pretty terrible, and don't know if casuals are what I'm needing to get better. Sure the lots of play time and more experienced opponents are wonderful, but it's still a casual setting and doesn't come with any real pressure while playing.

So the idea I had a little while ago, and have been muling over most of the night, is what if next time I show up with $20-30 and play $5 money matches? I know I'll lose, that's not the point. The point I'm going for is to play people better than myself with something on the line to add pressure, kind of forcing myself to get used to it.

I wanna know what other people think about this though, if it's actually a good idea, or I'm just talking out my ass and need a coffee.

Tim Static

If your bringing money to lose, than sure if you got the cash, but Play to win man. Sure you want to learn from every match you play, but dont pay to learn. just keep playing the best players


Tim is correct Roguelike. The whole point of casuals has nothing to do with replicating the heat of the moment pressure of a tournament. Casuals are for learning the game and getting the benefit of playing people with much more experience than you. In casuals you will learn what works and what doesnt. You'll learn your characters strengths and weaknesses, and you'll learn all the different matchups and scenarios that will begin to give you a good foundation in the game.
Casuals are not about winning or losing(as 9.95 constantly reminds me, because I play like Im out for blood even in casuals) Its about developing all the aspects of your game, fundamentals,character matchups, mind games. Its about trying new things and getting an idea of they're effectiveness, and over time as a measure of your improvement.
You must take the time to learn all these things first. All the money matches in the world will not help you defeat someone who has superior knowledge of the game in all these aspects.
If I played Shock in 100 matches and put up $1 a match, at the end of 100 matches Id be $100 poorer, no matter how hard I tried. Why? Because hes been playing UMK3 for over 15 years and has a grasp of everything in the game on a level far above mine.
Instead look at casuals as a chance to pick the brains of these players. I cant begin to tell you how much Ive learned from people like Shock,9.95, Summoning, and AC1984 just from playing casuals.
There's nothing wrong with being terrible at first, we all start out that way. Focus on the basics first.
As far as tournaments go, there really is no substitute for experience. It is a whole different environment and the pressure is unlike anything you will encounter in casuals. But cross that bridge when you get to it.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Maybe set up a money Tourney during the causal sessions. That way you don't waste too much money but can still get that competitive environment you are looking for to improve.
And that's why I posted here instead on somewhere else. I'm really glad I could pick your brains for those answer, I'll be sure to re-read them in a day or two as well so I can think it over some more.