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MKX NEW REVEALS:Rain,Erron Black,Mileena,Baraka...+ NEW COSTUMES (Alternative)

Hey, nice video :)

I believe you missed Takeda alternate at 1:16 in the Story video

And are you sure that's Mileena at 1:45 in your video ? It looks like Kitana, I dont know.


My YouTubeChannel: MKNBB.tv

The first look looks like Mileena from UMK3

but I put a notice to the scene "Mileena ????"

Thx for the information!


My YouTubeChannel: MKNBB.tv
wow , i didn't know that RAIN appeared twice ^_^

but I think that boot belongs to RAIN not kung jin
Yeah I found it after watching 5 times that really short scene!

The question is why fighting Mileena and Rain together against Kotal Kahn???