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MKII/PS3 Locations


A reference for future tournaments on PS3/MKII. It will list people who lag or don't lag. I will update and copy their information on the main page for easy access. If anyone changes it for any reason I will update them. Good for easy match-ups and lag/drama-free battles.

jesse89202's list (in no order):
(USA;West Coast;Las Vegas)


Mackfieldlives (dudemcude)
I_am_mud (mud)


Lag or super-lag fest

MK2_WiseGuy (Dookiebrain)


btbb99's list:
(USA;Philadelphia, PA)




Lag or super-lag fest

Mackfieldlives (dudemcude)
I_am_mud (mud)

List(s) are are not final and subject to change.


A reprise *Sticky?*

If it gets sticked or if its even worth sticking I'll maintain it. Briefly put some descriptions up there but if you have any suggestions throw them out. I was also thinking about putting a picture next to everyone's PSN name of their chosen or favorite MKII player. Or any picture you would like as a even quicker reference to that person. I would have to be a small avatar maybe something at a minimum of 55px × 70px.


location must have a whole lot to to with lag because everyone that you put on your lag free
list i lag bad with besides aria, kensidj,david gem,drewicide and goofart... me and ectonaut are
usually lag free but we been lagging lately... dciguy,dookie,cuko and frznsldr are all lag free with me


btbb99 said:
i'm from philadelphia,pa by the way
Don't forget this will list people who lag or don't lag. Its more.. descriptive than just posting cities. I wanted a more detailed thread.


Don't take this the wrong way, but having a list of laggers is kind of lame... Only because majority of the time they wont lag for everyone, just certain people.

First off, let me explain the difference between lag and delay. Lag is when the connection jumps around. Delay is when the game slows down (since it synchs both player's games to the same frames). Then packet dropping is what causes desynchs (when the player just stops playing. this goes along with lag).

Delay is simply caused by both players being too far apart for a low ping.

Lag on the other hand can have a range of factors. Everything from a bad server between you guys, bad internet connection, bad phone lines (dsl), wireless connection, internet sharing. This list would be HUGE if I listed all the variables that can cause lag.

The only real way to identify a lagger (someone who gets a lot of lag spikes) would be to connect to them under the same ISP in the same town (pref no more than 5miles apart). If they still lag then they've got issues...

Beyond all this, the netcode for MK2 on psn is SO sketchy. I've played dciguy on psn, it was awful. then I showed him how to setup kaillera. When connecting to kaillera we both had around 50ms pings, and the connection was fine (dual 50ms pings on GGPO doesn't slow down like that). Then MK2Prince and I fought on psn and we had a shit connection too. We play on P2P all the time where the connection is again around 50ms. So really it comes down to this, if you want less delay, switch to kaillera/p2p. However there is a bit more lag on there due to mame's emulation of mk2 being sub par.

*edit Jesse's list just goes to show how messed up psn connections are. I'm in florida, he's in nevada, mk2prince is in the ny area (I think)... why do I have a decent connection with Jesse, and then a shit connection with mk2prince? (note, I'm talking delay here, NOT lag. prince's internet isn't the problem either. as said before we have no problems on p2p)


my connection is sporadic. I live in brooklyn NY. I lag more with scorpangel than i do with Bo_DK. and I get the feeling that no one here really plays Bo because they can't. I've had days where I've lagged with foozer and didn't with fusion. The only person I ALWAYS lag with is xiongbros.

My whole setup is silly- it's wireless and the percentage is always around the fifties and forties. It's pretty dependent on the other person's connection. If it isn't great then we'll most likely lag.

@Btbb, dciguy is in PA. u too should try to meet up.


Well a thread that didn't go well. Hope its gets to the graveyard cause I can't delete this post. Mud, thanks for that.


Forum General Emeritus
david_GEM said:
my connection is sporadic. I live in brooklyn NY. I lag more with scorpangel than i do with Bo_DK. and I get the feeling that no one here really plays Bo because they can't. I've had days where I've lagged with foozer and didn't with fusion. The only person I ALWAYS lag with is xiongbros.

My whole setup is silly- it's wireless and the percentage is always around the fifties and forties. It's pretty dependent on the other person's connection. If it isn't great then we'll most likely lag.

@Btbb, dciguy is in PA. u too should try to meet up.
Yeah, we're from PA but on totally opposite ends of the state. Philly to Pittsburgh is at least 5 hours away, lol.


It's really strange because I had great connection with UAPHYSX in Phoenix (8 hrs west of me) and horrible horrible connections with fusion117 in Denver (6 hrs north of me). Then I'll get great connections with people in Florida probably about 1600 miles east of me. Very odd but who knows with all these crazy intertubes flying around!


Vassago187 said:
are psn connections direct or do they end up going through sony's servers?
I'm pretty sure they're frame synched p2p connections that are similar go GGPO. Most psn games don't use a server to connect to. If it's a server based game, it'll use the host's ps3 as the server. Which is why a psn game is only as good as the host's internet.

Vassago187 said:
It's really strange because I had great connection with UAPHYSX in Phoenix (8 hrs west of me) and horrible horrible connections with fusion117 in Denver (6 hrs north of me). Then I'll get great connections with people in Florida probably about 1600 miles east of me. Very odd but who knows with all these crazy intertubes flying around!
I'm in Florida, and our connection last night was virtually unplayable.


I'm trying to remember who I've played in florida that had a good connection...I do get pretty good connections with David_GEM sometimes and he's in New York(is that right) and that's a lot further than Florida from me. Last night could have totally been my connection. My comcast just seems to bomb completely for days at a time and it freakin bugs. I didn't get any good connections last night so I'm hoping that was the problem.
Location is only half the battle, if you're wireless, you're most likely to lag, if you have a cheap router or have old firmware you'll prob lag...If you live in a high rise condo where comcast is not available, you'll prob lag....so many factors involved, and you think they would get this shit right with the technology out there, I mean, I could sing into a damn cell phone and get the name of the artist, song name, and youtube video.

and yes comcast > ALL