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MKF, you old bastard you! Happy Birthday. :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Happy birthday MKF. Congrats on another year of survival.
lol I think that's definitely something we should all be grateful for that as crazy as it sounds.

Thanks everyone, sorry was away for a while playing games and eating cake with the family ;) I was hoping MK demo for xbox came out today :( but not lol. Awe well, just have to wait it out until the 19th!

Hey Stormy, tsk tsk, I'm 17 man!haha(I wish)


how could I miss this? Happy belated, Pete.

Did you have an online party to celebrate or did you go out? LOL...

again, happy b-day bro. =)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I did neither, I was at home with my family ;) had cake and played sorry thanks btw.