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MK9's online mode is good, it was my router's fault all this time


Raiden Practitioner
I feel so stupid right now. At some point last year a friend of mine gave me a wired router so I connected my cable Internet through it. For about the same amount of time I've had horrible time with connecting for a match online on MK9. About 90% of all matches that got started ended in "Game session is no longer available". All this time I've been blaming NRS and it never occurred to me it may be the router's fault, as my connectivity issues started about the same time I connected it. Well, finally, this week after a particularly frustrating night of MK9 online it dawned on me to try and disconnect the router. I did and, lo and behold, my connectivity issues disappeared. That was 3-4 days ago and not a single match ever since has ended in the ugly and dreaded error message above. I've had great connection and lots of fun, yet again, playing MK9 online.

I feel that I owe NRS an apology. It was my bad guys, MK9's online mode is good. Not perfect, not as good as Injustice's, but still good. Thank you!

And there are still enough people online (on PSN anyway) so finding a match is no problem.:)