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MK9 Road TO EVO Outlook - Stocks Up/Down?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
EVO IS 5 MONTHS AWAY and it's time to get this community back on the right track. In this post I want to take a look at some events that have occurred this past 2 months that show our game is still evolving within the players and the characters. We have MK9 at evo for third year in a row with an exciting addition (Injustice) coming as well that can serve as an extender for MK9's life as well serving as another game for us to sign up for at tourneys. So lets cut the drama and BS out guys and focus on our events and take advantage of them. Enjoy this evo season.

Most Dominating Looking player
currently this morning: Tyrant (With one character only Jax)

6 players in top 8 are under the age of 21 - 3 under 17 (WOW!)

Rising Warriors/New Top Players who have cemented themselves
SatSuiyesHadou - DaddyDabHo32 - WoundCowboy - Gross - Khaotik - Revolver

(Sonic fox not mention due to HUGE accomplishments already)

Increasing Threats to All top 8 veterans
Crosstalk - Jupiter - Lulzlou - Noobe (mainly his return, we all know him)

Characters On the rise:

JAX - Once again in a 2nd stacked tourney in a row Tyrant is proving you only need real skill and one character to win. Jax has been said to be top 5 and then at times top 20 but Tyrant and Dab both got top 8 with Jax and they arent hearing. Not to menion @Jupiter was HELLA close to making key upsets early on vs forever king. Theres nothing wrong w jax, more wrong with players downplaying what he cant do.

Kitana has been making even more waves w 16 bit at scr, Khaotik rises in the whole NE scene and revolver taking out Top player Maxter. Also 7L coming on strong recently and others. The Kit era is FAR from over as all can expect huge things from the players above plus the return of Mr Mileena for evo.

Kano - For the Luls cause BlackBryan made top 16 and i think thats awesome.

Characters on the decline???
Freddy - I dont want to hear "IF I WAS THERE ID MAKE TOP 8 W FREDDY" Well no freddy was there to my knowledge and other than M2dave none have made top 8 ,top 16 to my knowledge not to mention evo top 8. Where are all these freddy players and mains? Freddy mains are more scarce in top 16s than Kenshis are. Its time to step up and drop the excuses freddy mainers. Your character has all the tools.

Smoke - Yes Gross made top 8 but most of us we're extremely dissapointed w his smoke but were loving the hell out of his Sektor. His sektor looks complete beast. It seems USA has no chance of having a top 8 smoke in there without @waffelz in attendance or xSMoKEx . I would have liked to seen other smokes in attendance as well. Smoke deserves more.

Honorable Mention:

Kabal - Reo sadly was very sick and couldnt attend but do you guys realize if lulslou wouldnt have attended this would have been the first top 16 with no Kabal? Props to Lulslou for representing and keeping the asthema burned victim alive. I thought we were going to start seeing Kabal on Milk Cartons half way through the tourney. Then again there is Curbo but i thought it was his Cage that was again most impressive

Hope you feel better soon REO

First top 8 with None of the Dominican Brothers.
This is something that just couldn't be predicted but happened. The home turf was not fully protected as only 4 players from NE made top 8 and other top 8 was taken by south, mid west and wc players. They will return w a vengeance.

Chris G-enius : Reptile players for god sakes take notice of how he plays. Outstanding use of the walk, dash, ex dash, everything reptile had chris Gesus used perfectly without even know MUs. He didnt use ex ball cancel which would have helped in his matches but damn his reptile was impressive. Chris G Stock through the roof

Moved On:
Tom Brady


Just a slightly above average player.....
This one made me laugh a little on the inside. :REO

Moved On:
Tom Brady[/quote]


Administrator and Community Engineer
Man, yes. Where to even start.. Chris G's matches were amazing. He looked like he'd really settled down, gotten his stuff back together, and was playing the game at a really high level. Even the matches he lost were ridiculously close. It was awesome to see that, and if he stays locked in he might be back in Top 8 soon enough.

His use of forceballs is still second to none.

rev0lver has been on the rise since MLG Raleigh. He's come close at every tournament to beating a top player, and he's always a hair's edge away and ends up deading himself with a couple of unfortunately-timed mistakes. But it was clear that he was on the edge of a breakthrough, and that was made evident yesterday.

The awesome thing is that he actually could have played better than he did. He had some slipups against FK that I bet he wishes he could take back; so expect to see him continue to improve.

Baraka's stock is also rising. It may be going from $.02 to $.09 a share, but it's rising :p

General Thoughts:
Where is Raiden? He's almost been completely eliminated from tournament play. We see far more Barakas and Quan Chi's than Raidens now. Crazy.
Deperation Cage play is still one of the funniest things to happen in tournaments. That salty whiffed wakeup nutpunch from 3 feet away with 7% life has me dying every time.
Mileena - What are your thoughts on this Pig? The way fox plays her is interesting.. He literally has some reactions and teleports that are close to unblockable based on how they are timed. She certainly looks far more dangerous than she gets credit for when played this way; granted, it also requires some risk-taking.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Man, yes. Where to even start.. Chris G's matches were amazing. He looked like he'd really settled down, gotten his stuff back together, and was playing the game at a really high level. Even the matches he lost were ridiculously close. It was awesome to see that, and if he stays locked in he might be back in Top 8 soon enough.

His use of forceballs is still second to none.

rev0lver has been on the rise since MLG Raleigh. He's come close at every tournament to beating a top player, and he's always a hair's edge away and ends up deading himself with a couple of unfortunately-timed mistakes. But it was clear that he was on the edge of a breakthrough, and that was made evident yesterday.

The awesome thing is that he actually could have played better than he did. He had some slipups against FK that I bet he wishes he could take back; so expect to see him continue to improve.

Baraka's stock is also rising. It may be going from $.02 to $.09 a share, but it's rising :p

General Thoughts:
Where is Raiden? He's almost been completely eliminated from tournament play. We see far more Barakas and Quan Chi's than Raidens now. Crazy.
Deperation Cage play is still one of the funniest things to happen in tournaments. That salty whiffed wakeup nutpunch from 3 feet away with 7% life has me dying every time.
Mileena - What are your thoughts on this Pig? The way fox plays her is interesting.. He literally has some reactions and teleports that are close to unblockable based on how they are timed. She certainly looks far more dangerous than she gets credit for when played this way; granted, it also requires some risk-taking.
Mileena is what fox and I make her = Calculated risks and reads and when they dont work out like forever king showed in game 2 of top 8 at WB they look bad.

Mileena is a risk/read/reward/fail characte. You have to be half stupid, half awesome, half IDGAF to play her


Crosstalk and Jupiter will be HUGE problems in the near future. Two of the most solid players to finish outside of top 8 that are hardly spoken of.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Honorable Mention:

Kabal - Reo sadly was very sick and couldnt attend but do you guys realize if lulslou wouldnt have attended this would have been the first top 16 with no Kabal? Props to Lulslou for representing and keeping the asthema burned victim alive. I thought we were going to start seeing Kabal on Milk Cartons half way through the tourney. Then again there is Curbo but i thought it was his Cage that was again most impressive
Please disregard this the above about Kabal being "down"

CURBOLICOUS Kabal looks hella beast and next to reo. Curbo #2 official Kabal? Looks like it

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
One thing I will say that i have figured out through both red bank a month ago and WB. Kabal players have upped their game in that they are playing much smarter. Especially versus cage. A few months ago I would be like fuck it, the matchup looks bad on paper but it isn't being abused, and I could hold my own even versus some really good kabals. However CURBOLICIOUS abused what makes kabal body cage to the maximum. No more dash cancel pressure, just take you 50 50 and run away. Reo plays this matchup the same way too. So I just want to give a shoutout to that they are finally playing the matchup correctly haha.
lmao why?
I wasn't a fan of his behavior while on stream. Teabagging mid-match, only playing for babies, refusing to shake chongo's hand but then putting his hand on chongo's shoulder while he was getting the bib... a number of things. Plus his time on mic at previous tournaments have made me really not like him as a person, but he's young so hopefully he grows out of it.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I wasn't a fan of his behavior while on stream. Teabagging mid-match, only playing for babies, refusing to shake chongo's hand but then putting his hand on chongo's shoulder while he was getting the bib... a number of things. Plus his time on mic at previous tournaments have made me really not like him as a person, but he's young so hopefully he grows out of it.
if it makes you feel any better he reminds me all the time he banged my wife


Thats just sonicfox

edit: if anyone else did id deck em though


Dead Kings Rise
I wasn't a fan of his behavior while on stream. Teabagging mid-match, only playing for babies, refusing to shake chongo's hand but then putting his hand on chongo's shoulder while he was getting the bib... a number of things. Plus his time on mic at previous tournaments have made me really not like him as a person, but he's young so hopefully he grows out of it.
I thought I'd chime in on this.

Me and Sawnik have been joking for about a month now that he was gonna baby me at WB, and I don't blame him for doing it. We were both teabagging since me and him both knew I was gonna lose either way haha. He did shake my hand, maybe no one was able to saw it, but he certainly did. Not to mention we talked a while afterwards and he even gave me some advice when I was playing in Loser's Semi Finals. I have no problem with him.

If he thinks poorly of me or he's too hollywood for me, then that's fine with me. I don't have a problem with him.