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mk9 mix up Questions


hi guys.

iam at this forum for quite a while. I learned alot from you guys. Thank you for that.

But now i really have aquestion and i hope someone can help me wih that, even its a rookie Qustion:=)

I was playing against a really good Liu Kang. These guy was pressuring me like Crazy. he was using the mis ups so quickly that i never knew whats comming next. 2,1,4 and exactly after that another string. im trying this in training mode but im never that quick to make different miy ups. do i have to push a button or something after i used von string? (i hope string is the right word:=))

i really want to pressure with diffrent strings. But between them there is to much time. half a second at least. ev en im traing to push the buttons for the next string im just punch or something.

Hope you guys know what i mean. Iam not a native english speaker;) Thanks for helping me out here. Greets from Germany


Zoning Master
hi guys.

iam at this forum for quite a while. I learned alot from you guys. Thank you for that.

But now i really have aquestion and i hope someone can help me wih that, even its a rookie Qustion:=)

I was playing against a really good Liu Kang. These guy was pressuring me like Crazy. he was using the mis ups so quickly that i never knew whats comming next. 2,1,4 and exactly after that another string. im trying this in training mode but im never that quick to make different miy ups. do i have to push a button or something after i used von string? (i hope string is the right word:=))

i really want to pressure with diffrent strings. But between them there is to much time. half a second at least. ev en im traing to push the buttons for the next string im just punch or something.

Hope you guys know what i mean. Iam not a native english speaker;) Thanks for helping me out here. Greets from Germany
I am not sure I understand your question. What are the strings you are trying to use? Obviously, the strings with the best recovery frames are the most effective.

Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch, also kanst du deine Frage in Deutsch stellen.


ich versuche immer Druck zu machen. wenn du zb Liu Kang nimmst. Der Gegner blockt die ganze Zeit. Ich möchte die ganze Zeit Druck machen. Z.b die Kombo Attacks möchte ich schneller kombinieren. Damit der Gegner nie genau weiß welche Attacke ich grad mache.

for example what REO is doing with Kabal. He is pushing so many diffrent things if he is pressuring. You never now in body contact what he will do next. 'Maybe this helps :)


Zoning Master
ich versuche immer Druck zu machen. wenn du zb Liu Kang nimmst. Der Gegner blockt die ganze Zeit. Ich möchte die ganze Zeit Druck machen. Z.b die Kombo Attacks möchte ich schneller kombinieren. Damit der Gegner nie genau weiß welche Attacke ich grad mache.

for example what REO is doing with Kabal. He is pushing so many diffrent things if he is pressuring. You never now in body contact what he will do next. 'Maybe this helps :)
Die meisten Liu Kang Spieler machen Druck mit b+3,1,2 und f+1,2. Nachdem du sie "trainierst" b+3,1,2 zu blockieren, kanst du nach dem zweiten Schlag (b+3,1) aufhoeren und dann b+3,1,2 wieder tun. Das is nur ein Beispiel. Alles handelt sich um was die Amerikaner "mind games" nennen. Da gibt es ja keinen String, der dir die Moeglichkeit gibt immer wieder Druck zu machen.

Kabal has dash cancels, so he is a different case. If you want someone with great pressure, use Cage or Sonya.


danke dir. Ich werds mal versuchen. Hast du zufällig die Europäische Version von MK? Dann könnte wir mal ne Runde Kämpfen


EX Ovi should launch
Cant understand fully what you mean, but Lui kangs strings are : B312 (Low high high) and 213 (high high mid) so you stay in duck block at the beginning, you wont get hit by his b3 starter, and if you recognise his 213 string, then stand up to avoid his mid. Thats pretty relevant to all characters when blocking mixups, just learn their strings and block them correctly.


hi smokey. like i said i played against a real good liu kang. He was making pressure so fast with diffrent mixups. But if i make B312 i want excatly after that continue with 213. I think i have to push B31 without the 2 and i can do the 213 exactly after that


EX Ovi should launch
I dont understand what you mean unfortunatly, but you can do b312, then after the recovery for b312 is over you can immediately go into 213, if thats what you mean, yes, just block the mixup and learn you can poke and jump out of different strings.


hi smokey. like i said i played against a real good liu kang. He was making pressure so fast with diffrent mixups. But if i make B312 i want excatly after that continue with 213. I think i have to push B31 without the 2 and i can do the 213 exactly after that
What character are you using? When a string is started you are stuck in it until it ends. Block low and jump back after the string. If the liu kang is linking strings together with d3 he is leaving himself at disadvantage once you block the d3, so this is an even better opportunity to jump back and out of pressure.

better liu kangs will mix in 12 after b312 as sort an an anti air check so you have to be weary of this and stay crouched and try to poke out.


Zoning Master
danke dir. Ich werds mal versuchen. Hast du zufällig die Europäische Version von MK? Dann könnte wir mal ne Runde Kämpfen
Leider habe ich sie nicht. Ich wohne jetzt in den Staaten. Jedoch gibt es einige europäische Spieler aus England (wie z.B Foxy), aber ich habe keine Ahnung ob sie online spielen.