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MK9 Guide Review


PTH | Korpse
i purchased this guide, it's not worth the paper it is printed on. The cards have wrong inputs, the Kombo section for Lui Kang doesn't exist, there are no babality inputs, the "Tournament Level" Strategy sections for each character was a small paragraph or 2 each, they don't tell you how to unlock hidden fights in the ladder mode, and in my opinion, the most unforgivable thing with this was they promised a "History of Fatalities section" which would have concepts from all the fatalities for all the games and show how they progressed with each character over time. NRS and Prima hired the wrong people to do this strategy guide, next time get some players like Tom brady, Perfect Legend, REO, and Michaelangelo, or the people who have a great knowledge of the game to do the next MK strategy guide