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MK9 General Gameplay tips/advice?

Hey, I have a few problems that I need help with.
1) Throws
-How can I get better at tech-ing throws?
-How can I incorporate them into my game?

-Whenever I jump vs. AI, the AI jumps up and Kicks me out of the air.
-Everytime the AI jumps I jump to kick them out of the air, then I get kicked out of the air.
-Can someone explain to me how to effectively use this?

-I can never seem to AA Upper-cut. I read the jump in, uppercut, and I still get hit.

Is it just that I don't have any offline experience? The only way I can practice is against Expert AI in practice mode.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you for your time.
I don't have any ideas on teching throws other than guessing. To mix throws into your game try doing half of a string then dash in and throw or do half of a string twice then throw. Another good time to throw is when you jump in punch on a blocking opponent; as soon as the punch hits them grab them. The only way I have found to beat computers and online players at jump kicks is to kick as soon as you jump if you know they are going to jump. Also, if you use a character that has an air throw it has priority over other in air moves. Lastly, if AA uppercuts aren't working then either try finding a character with a faster uppercut (Sonya has one of the best) or use a different anti air move. For instance, if you are using Sub-Zero then ice clone or use 22 ice ball. Hope this helps. :)
Getting better at teching throws is tough. I forget which button it is to tech, but most players will probably do forward throws on accident a lot from dashing in. I've heard you can hit both tech buttons in quick succession to cover both throws but I don't think its been thoroughly tested or looked into. I've seen mashers get out of a lot of throws, however.

air to air is tough. Lots of people hate it, because sometimes its just randomly decided who gets it, but usually its because you need to jk right after jumping or else it will be too late to meet their mid-air attempt. Some characters have tools for this.

AA uppercuts are easier/harder depending on how fast your character's uppercut is. Ermac's is so slow you basically have to uppercut as they are leaving the ground lol, but sonya can use hers on reaction, immediately


Dojo Trainee
I found that it's never a good idea to uppercut from a crouch-blocking position. The recovery from the bock just takes to much time to effectively uppercut. I still try though, and eat jip+combo everytime. I should probably use D1 in these situations.