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MK9 Fake 2-D

I keep hearing this, lots of players claim that MK9 is not a true 2D fighter, it plays like 3D on a 2D plane. I believe the root of this issue has to do with hitboxes and collisions. Though, I don't know the technicality of this design, I would like to a detailed explanation of the game from someone who does.

To the naked eye of an inexperienced person, I'm playing on a 2-D plane, and my attacks hit when I press inputs for MK9, so I don't really see this being as a 3D 'fighter'. Though, deep down inside even with my lack of knowledge, I think if MK10 was made into a real 2-D fighter, some how it would play better. I don't know why, but it just 'feels and sounds' as if it would.

What do you guys think of this?

Also, have MK10 at true 60 FPS, with DEVELOPER FRAME DATA. It's better than playing chicken with homemade #s.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

MK 10: Give it an ULTRA-buffed UMK3/Trilogy Looks, because '92 will be 20 years since MK launched, and 10 since their jump to higher-gen systems with the last franchise reboot in Deadly Alliance, so they should give it an awesome 2D reminiscent graphic style, the old cheat menus (SCOTT'S STUFF), with different people at the character select menu, obviously, but the old school block pattern screen, straight unmoving 2D plane with all number of awesome shit going on in the background, and the diversity of the 3D games' options as far as means to stay entertained - full Krypt, Konquest, Training, Chests with keys and finding said keys, stages, costumes, characters, minigames, the works. You could keep Test Your *Insert Word Here* and give us more of that, and it'd be fantastic by me.
If it means it's gonna be a while, then PLEASE TAKE A WHILE. It will be worth the wait to get something like this right.
In SF4, the hitboxes are 2D. http://www.eventhubs.com/guides/2009/sep/18/guide-understanding-hit-boxes-street-fighter/ Look at some of the pics there and you'll know what i mean. In MK9, the hitboxes are 3D. This means instead of the characters having actual "boxes" to get hit, the hitbox is wrapped around the character model in a sense. That's why there are times when sub's standing 2 will hit mid and other times it won't, because of the breathing animation. Whereas in SF4, the hitboxes are pretty constant.

That's my understanding anyways.

EDIT: actually i'm not sure if it's because of the breathing animation that sub's 2 misses, but it's not always consistent.
No, MK9 is not a true 2D fighter. Nor should it be. The 3D physics lend a sense of realism and satisfaction to each successful hit that would not be present otherwise. That's my 2 cents..


Playing: Injustice, Persona, Blazblue, and MK
I still call it a 2D fighting games.

A 3d fighter is something like MK4, Deadly alliance, Deception, and Armageddon where you are free to side step.