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MK9 Combo Videos by Jimmygott


Just going to showcase some of the combos I put a lot of thought into, I'm proud of the majority of my stuff but I do on the occasion borrow ideas from people and if I do I always give them a shoutout :). A friend suggested I start putting myself out there more and I have been noticed by Combo creators like Check4900 who subbed me because I apparently have great potential xD. I also do requests for different characters if you wish me to post up something I generally see what I can come up with. Also going to be upgrading to HD in about a week or so! All the inputs are in the video descriptions! Please check out my other vids, comment rate and subscribe if you like what you see cheers!

This vid is just an implement on Check4900's water bubble technique which actually offered more damage then his 49% combo :D.

This is probably one of the highest damage Midscreen combos for Kabal after he got his damage scaled after a Nomad Dash. This one took me weeks to come up with and I'm probably most proud of this combo more so than any that I've come up with.

Cheers guys.