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MK2 Shao Kahn - Jab him!

It's one of the simple, but very effective tactics against Shao Kahn, based on aggressive jabs being on a distance close to him (otherwise he's executes any possible moves). Jabs (HP\LP) should will be performed precisely, in this case he's blocked, you don't stop Jabbing and this shit become almost infinity :)


You can even walk directly up to him and jab from the perfect distance and he will block, which gives you enough time to get in slightly closer to start the jabs without needing any other setups. (Easiest with Lao and hardest with Rep)

You can also do lplp probably the entire time (depending on which char) once you get close enough, if not you can lp, take a step, until you are close enough then lplp again.
That hp in the corner can get tricky.

Nice video editing (especially the intro), I liked the Cage gameplay the best.
ScheissNussen said:
You can even walk directly up to him and jab from the perfect distance and he will block, which gives you enough time to get in slightly closer to start the jabs without needing any other setups. (Easiest with Lao and hardest with Rep)
If I correctly have understood you, in this case (ex, mid screen distance) Kahn after a while does Shadow Charge or Spike...

ScheissNussen said:
Nice video editing (especially the intro), I liked the Cage gameplay the best.
Tnx :D


Comon2680 said:
If I correctly have understood you, in this case (ex, mid screen distance) Kahn after a while does Shadow Charge or Spike...
Yes, but jabs within sweep distance manipulate him into blocking.

If you do a jab just outside of chip range he will block (about a fists length or half of a fists length), then you can walk in and do another jab which will cause him to block again and you can start the jab chip inf on him.

Try it with Lao first if you are going to try, he has the most reach.

ScheissNussen said:
Yes, but jabs within sweep distance manipulate him into blocking.

If you do a jab just outside of chip range he will block (about a fists length or half of a fists length), then you can walk in and do another jab which will cause him to block again and you can start the jab chip inf on him.

Try it with Lao first if you are going to try, he has the most reach.

Absolutely truly, Scheiss, tnx for good comment. I have tried, with Kung Lao it works (with the others did not try, but I think, in result the same). But it will not work, if the first Kahn's move (in the beginning of a round) will be Shadow Charge, is not that so?
ScheissNussen said:
And this is also why it is easier with Lao, than Reptile, because he doesn't have the reach, or speed to get in there as easily. It CAN be done, but you are going to take damage with some chars like Rep.
Yes, yes. I so understand you know about him (Shao Kahn) absolutely all :D
Tnx for interesting info!