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MK2 (Khaos Reigns Sequel) written by you challenge

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Hey guys, i want to play a little game to vent and pass the time, as we've been very critical of Lord :Cianciolo's writting, some of you think you can do a much better job, in this thread, i will challenge you to continue where he left off Khao's reigns, but you won't be doing this alone, every member who wants to join, it's invited to take the story a bit further with one post worth an A4 page per turn.

Keep the story grounded (what i mean is, avoid restarting timelines and ass pull doplegangers from different timelines for the sake of it)

You can only post if the previous post it's not yours
You have to write and continue the story based on what's written here.
you can kill off characters, you can also add existing ones who have appeared in mortal kombat at any point, in the current timeline
You can rate the other members posts which will indicate their contribuition to the story
If you are serious be choerent, but you are allowed to be goofy as well.


Neat idea. Since no one has replied yet and I've had plenty of complaints, I'll curb complaints and be productive with this fun thread...

We'll start off by utilizing the characters that didn't appear in Khaos Reigns and some dangling plot threads

Starting with the exiled Shao, we would see his forces in Outworld rallying and working together including the return of Kollector as a minor character working with Shao. He'll be established previously as having worked with the throne to oversee collection of taxes/tribute/etc. The opening would be Kollector handing over a horde of collected funds to Shao to help fund his war efforts with the revelation that his motivation was Shao's efforts on the Naknada's behalf during wars of the past that helped unite Outworld under Sindel's rule. The Naknada had it rough but Shao saw considerable value in them. With the riches to fund a war now, Shao turns his vision towards power...and that is where we get the follow-up on Reiko being sent by Shao to search for Onaga. Kollector points out that this is incredibly dangerous as Onaga is powerful and uncontrollable. Shao assures him that he knows things no one else does. Reiko makes the vow he does in his ending to free Onaga even if it means dying. As per character interactions in MK1, we're going to go with Reiko surviving this encounter...

...partially because of a role played by another we'd now return to...

Reptile picks up where his ending leaves off with him discovering a conspiracy to kill Zaterrans that can shapeshift into a human appearance like him. As he seeks out more answers about this, he's attacked by another Zaterran...but one like him that can shapeshift and to an even greater extent. Disturbingly, his human appearance is identical to Syzoth's. We fairly quickly find out this Zaterran is Komodai aka Chameleon (also calling him Chameleon when we already have Khameleon in the palace is silly so better to just give him an actual name...and with it we can give a nod to Defenders of the Realms). Komodai/Chameleon tells Reptile that he should have stayed Shang's pet because Mileena has sent him back to his people to be quietly killed...because the order to slay all shapeshifting Zaterrans came from Sindel & Jerrod themselves...only two are allowed to live: the two K(C)hameleons for they safeguard the throne rather than serving the Zaterrans.

Syzoth and Komodai battle but Syzoth quickly finds himself overpowered by the other Zaterran's ability to wield the abilities of many he's observed. Reptile is nearly killed but manages to narrowly escape...but only after Komodai lets slip that he must die so that "Onaga never takes Outworld's throne" hinting at a clear past between the Dragon King and Reptile's own people. With Reptile escaping, it looks like Komodai's efforts have been thwarted...but he's joined by a mysterious figure [!] who asks if Reptile will take the bait. Komodai confirms he believes Reptile will just as Shao did. Komodai/Chameleon states that the Dragon King will be freed and that once more Zaterra will have its queen so that they may all have their 'true forms' back instead of suffering under the curse that has been lain upon them.

An injured Reptile unsure of who or what to believe, makes his way to the only person he believes he can absolutely trust right now...someone else with a deep concern for kin who knows what it is to be an outsideer...and goes to seek out Baraka...

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Neat idea. Since no one has replied yet and I've had plenty of complaints, I'll curb complaints and be productive with this fun thread...

We'll start off by utilizing the characters that didn't appear in Khaos Reigns and some dangling plot threads

Starting with the exiled Shao, we would see his forces in Outworld rallying and working together including the return of Kollector as a minor character working with Shao. He'll be established previously as having worked with the throne to oversee collection of taxes/tribute/etc. The opening would be Kollector handing over a horde of collected funds to Shao to help fund his war efforts with the revelation that his motivation was Shao's efforts on the Naknada's behalf during wars of the past that helped unite Outworld under Sindel's rule. The Naknada had it rough but Shao saw considerable value in them. With the riches to fund a war now, Shao turns his vision towards power...and that is where we get the follow-up on Reiko being sent by Shao to search for Onaga. Kollector points out that this is incredibly dangerous as Onaga is powerful and uncontrollable. Shao assures him that he knows things no one else does. Reiko makes the vow he does in his ending to free Onaga even if it means dying. As per character interactions in MK1, we're going to go with Reiko surviving this encounter...

...partially because of a role played by another we'd now return to...

Reptile picks up where his ending leaves off with him discovering a conspiracy to kill Zaterrans that can shapeshift into a human appearance like him. As he seeks out more answers about this, he's attacked by another Zaterran...but one like him that can shapeshift and to an even greater extent. Disturbingly, his human appearance is identical to Syzoth's. We fairly quickly find out this Zaterran is Komodai aka Chameleon (also calling him Chameleon when we already have Khameleon in the palace is silly so better to just give him an actual name...and with it we can give a nod to Defenders of the Realms). Komodai/Chameleon tells Reptile that he should have stayed Shang's pet because Mileena has sent him back to his people to be quietly killed...because the order to slay all shapeshifting Zaterrans came from Sindel & Jerrod themselves...only two are allowed to live: the two K(C)hameleons for they safeguard the throne rather than serving the Zaterrans.

Syzoth and Komodai battle but Syzoth quickly finds himself overpowered by the other Zaterran's ability to wield the abilities of many he's observed. Reptile is nearly killed but manages to narrowly escape...but only after Komodai lets slip that he must die so that "Onaga never takes Outworld's throne" hinting at a clear past between the Dragon King and Reptile's own people. With Reptile escaping, it looks like Komodai's efforts have been thwarted...but he's joined by a mysterious figure [!] who asks if Reptile will take the bait. Komodai confirms he believes Reptile will just as Shao did. Komodai/Chameleon states that the Dragon King will be freed and that once more Zaterra will have its queen so that they may all have their 'true forms' back instead of suffering under the curse that has been lain upon them.

An injured Reptile unsure of who or what to believe, makes his way to the only person he believes he can absolutely trust right now...someone else with a deep concern for kin who knows what it is to be an outsideer...and goes to seek out Baraka...
(( Loved this one as it sets the precedent for Onaga's and Zaterran's plot down the line, i will let it mature a bit before touching it, and will flash forwards another plot i think it can be interesting, in order to keep it consistent, i'm writting in your style.))

Meanwhile in earthrealm, particulary New York, it's getting reports that there has been a considerable case of missing persons.
In the police Station, a case file it's dropped into Stryker's desk, presented by the commisarie about the report of every single person that has been reported missing every night, and by somehow they're disappearing without a trace.

Stryker reports that they don't have enough man power to cover the entire city, but with the amount of occurences, they managed to pin point some locations and have deployed a few patrols on specific areas radio ready, to keep an eye open and report, in case they see something unnusual.
Officer Kayden Balaski, Enters the room reporting in, and tells Stryker and the commisioner that their car is ready, and they will be Joining the patrol as well, which Stryker agrees and sets out with Kayden to the stake out at late hours.

Later in the evening, Stryker and Kayden park near an abandonded building, and Stryker says that Kayden that this case can be just as big ever since the dismantlement of the arms dealer gang black dragon, where kayden worked for years undercover.
But just before Kayden answer, they see something fly by into the abondoned building and immediately set out to investigate after a radio call warning others to of a possible sight of something unusual.

After they both enter the abandoned area, they find a portal, and a few people with bat wings, carrying over humans through that portal as they take cover near a decorated garden wall in order to not get discovered.

Unknown to their knowledge, wondering what they just witnessed, Kayden says "Just WTF is that Sh!t" which Stryker comments on not having idea what is going on, and decided to report in, but before he is able to radio contact the precint, a blood ball destroys the radio revealing to be Nitara in the air before he could call for backup. In a Shock, both Stryker and Kayden grab their glocks and unloads gun shots into Nitara who creates a shield of blood stopping the bullets, leaving them confused, and before they could reload, she overpowers both and kicks stryker away leaving kayden to battle against Nitara on it's own.
Kayden loses, but before Nitara reaches stryker to put him out of commission, Kuai Liang Arrives together with Cyrax and Shirai Ryu foot Soldiers, which proves to be a hassle, "The Shirai Ryu is here", she says, and so Nitara's orders her people to take Kayden and they all retreat with the kidnapped humans to the portal and vanish before they face another encounter as the portal closes.

Stryker puts himself up and asks who the hell are this people and what in the hell is happening, which Kuai Liang introduces himself and explains what they do and why they are at new york amidst of what has been reported lately.
Cyrax comments that, Nitara traveling through portals at will it's uncommon, either someone with portal opening abilities is helping her, or she might have gotten a hand in one of the Kamidogus...

(( This sets a second plot with Nitara's ending, and creates a subplot in the series, Onaga and Nitara are often related so i think there might be a way to link the two of them, if you guys don't mind, i won't explain what i plan for this or it would take the fun of it, anyone is free to take the direction where the inspiration takes you, and if you haven't picked up, yes Kayden Balaski is Kabal before transformation))