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Mk2 bloodstorm

Been in development for a few years and was supposed to be released like 1 year and a half ago I believe but never did. I think the programmer scraped it...don't think anyone's heard of him from his last updates a LONG TIME ago.


I've read some posts here and there from different people who worked on Bloodstorm, they apparently got into an argument somehow about getting credit and whatnot.
A lot of characters and backgrounds were supposed to been used in this without permission etc etc.
A lot of code was not given out due to this and Bloodstorm was never released..

Another rumour is; that they made this just for eyecandy purposes and left it at that.
can some 1 send ed boon dis and ask him why de fuck he cant make stuff liek dis. dis mugen dude does dis just for fun and fucking boon cant do for commercial purposes. i dont fucking get it. pisses me off


What I've read back then in several msg boards and youtube, was that alot of guys spend a lot of time developing and shaping the stages etc. and that they were used without permission of the ones who made them.. again, I have no clue what is true tbh.

But who cares, I mean sure it looks awesome..

But the gameplay sucks ass, it's unbalanced and the screaming audio will bore you after 30min's.
I remember way back doing a youtube search on Marvel vs DC AND I FOUND A TON OF mugen knock offs!! It was a ridiculous amount of games which exceeded 50 characters on each one...i thought it looked cool but as X820 also said the gameplay is what killed all these cool ideas, you could just see it in these vids and all the other ones on youtube. I like how big the sprites are and the stages are amazing!! In the end tho a pretty game and horrible gameplay will just make you lose patience and go crazy!!!!!!


Instant sweeps are enough to break any fighter, and that is just one of the many problems in almost every mugen game.


that looked broken as balls! could be fun though if it didn't lead to completely one sided fights. the sub zero fight looks majorly frustrating for anyone who's not sub-zero
I came across these videos about a week ago by accident and youcan just tell they will be no fun because it looks so unbalanced, one mess up your fucked


haha, I saw this like a year ago and i always hate how usually only one character is really doing anything. but then again they prob had no choice.

EDIT: With that being said, vid 4 is my fav. too bad it's the shortest. (dci vs kaz anyone? lol)

uppercut to torpedo is insane... so is subs combo... and everything scorp did.