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MK2 at Winter Brawl - Extended Edition


Ok, so at NEC MK2 had a few issues and the players there really felt like MK2 got the shaft. Because of this summ0ning and I have made sure that MK2 will get what it rightfully deserves at Winter Brawl.

1. Friday night, 2/25/11, from 9pm to 2am, summ0ning will be opening his room to all players who want to play hours worth of MK2 casuals. MK2 will be the ONLY game up and running in his room that night(worth mentioning, anyway, LOL), so all you MK2 heads make sure you take advantage of this great opportunity!

2. MK2 will be set up on Saturday morning by 11am with the tournament starting at 3pm. That's 4 hours of MK2 Casuals!

3. Saturday night, after the tournament has ended, summ0ning will once again be opening his room, and is personally inviting all the major MK2 players to his room to participate in a secondary tournament for CASH MONEY! Basically, instead of the standard double elimination tournament rules, this will be a "First to 10" against EVERYONE in the room! At the end, the player with the most wins, either in total FT10 wins or total wins overall, will take the prize. You got MK2 game? Bring it to Winter Brawl....TWICE!


this sounds fabulous guys! i can't fucking wait, thanks to summoning for the great idea and thanks to you too phil. good fucking stuff guys!


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i will have my console, so bring whatever sticks/pads you want, i will try to have a couple of cases of beer as well;) MKII only no other game will be played


WOW this sounds like alot of fun you guys. I really wish i could make it to this but it would be a 10 hour drive for me :confused: I'm still am gonna try an make it one of these times tho :D But yo someone def has to record the atmosphere in summonings room when everyones in there hanging out an playing. I think it's gonna be mad fun up in there with ONLY MK2!! But good luck to all that attends and have fun!