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MK2 a Talent?



I was working on a screenplay today, after playing the keyboard and then I thought, some people say I'm talented as a writer and keyboardist. Is it legit to say that we are talented at Mortal Kombat 2? To ask that is to ask if playing video games requires talent.

I also use to think of true talent being in sports and singing because they aren't meant for everyone. Musicians are said to have talent however piano can be taught to anyone willing- and then the songs are written out to be played. And in sports, technique can be shared amongst the least skilled- technique being 90 percent of the game in all honesty.

MK2 happens to be a legendary fighting game that has never really been duplicated. No one may realize now but the moves are ridiculously complicated and we make that shit look easy . It's very very difficult and tedious to teach more than learn and it can take up to six months before you get "pretty good." That's equivalent to a lot of other things. I remember trying to teach fooz's gf how to play and I started her off with lui kang- and i thought to myself. "If we were to take this shit serious, it would take months before we got through every character thoroughly."

Thoughts people, I know I wrote a lot. lol


I agree that it takes some inherent talent to play well, but there are far more complicated fighters out there that take a lot more. Not to downplay MK2 or anything because I do like it a lot, but it isn't nearly as deep as something like VF or Guilty Gear. You make a good point about the musician thing too. Some people just have a natural grasp on things that take others years to learn.


Forum General Emeritus
MK2 takes practice to get good at, but it's no different than any other game out there. In terms of complexity, it has nothing on games like Tekken, Soul Caliber, and even SF2 (and up). Good topic though.


dciguy01 said:
MK2 takes practice to get good at, but it's no different than any other game out there. In terms of complexity, it has nothing on games like Tekken, Soul Caliber, and even SF2 (and up). Good topic though.
It's funny you mention those games because I know very little about them but when I play against my friends who've been playing for years I do pretty well just pressing some of the basic buttons they showed me. I have more trouble with sf4 and far as learning moves. Tekken and Sc I never tried to learn and I just pick it up and do okay. You can't do that with Mk2.

btw I haven't played tekken seriously since T3 and little of dark ressurection at SCHOOL where everyone knew what they were doing!


john2kx said:
MK2 is a simple game, and that's one of the reasons I like it so much.
you don't get it.... WE MAKE IT LOOK EASY!!! lol
Id have to agree with Dave GEM as far as MK2 not being so simple to play...for example i throw down on alot of fighting games , Streetfighter 2-4 , Mvc2 , (all capcom fighters pretty much) Tekken 6 , MK vs DC , King of Fighters and the one thing ive learned excluding SF2 and its respected follow ups...is that you can pretty much get away with slapping buttons (Especially 3d fighters) and win fights!! If you try this on MK2 , you will find that you will lose fast. I personally dont slap buttons ,but i have won fights on 3d fighters where i had very little skill involved as far as what i was doing and won several times , even to the point where ive made players quit lol. MK2 IS ONE OF A KIND.


word the first time i ever played mk2 i got 18 streaked. Idk what it was that made me keep playing. But i looked up moves online and i kept going.


I don't compare games on skill, or time invested, I compare them on mental illnesses. For example, MK2 people are often OCD, and MK3 people are hyperactive & crazy. If you're OCD, UMK3 is a nightmare, there's just too much to memorize, and you often have to lose control to gain it. If you're hyperactive, mk2 is boring as hell.

As for one game or another taking more talent. I'd say that mk2 allows more new talented players to shine... umk3 requires waaaaaaaaay more time and memorization than mk2 does.

Talent combined with time invested will always conquer any game though.

X820 said:
About Tekken;

I've seen total noobs win, just by button mashing..

Try that with MK2 lol
Everyone has seen noobs beat noobs by mashing, in every game, lets see them try that on a quality player.


I challenge u guys to try and teach someone how to play, it should take a few days before they get coherent with one or two characters. You have to agree that randoming takes practice and some time with each character.


In my personal opinion Mk2 takes talent. Main reason I say that is because of the complicated combos any one player can pull off at any given time. I've been playing MK2 since I was in 4th grade, of course at the Arcade then on Sega. If you're not able to react to your opponents attacks in time your not gonna make it far. If you cant perform any aa moves, any extensive combos, or if you cant grasp the concept of block. I've seen lots of people pick this game up and struggle with it, either giving up or perservering and dumping 6+ months into practice. And the only way you get better is to play really good players. So I think MK2 is part talent part skill part luck(miniscule, but ive gotten lucky lol.) and practice.


I completely agree that gaming period is a talent as a musician talent is different for ex. i started out as a drummer without a teacher i only got so far but after about a year i had had enough and picked up a guitar it came so naturally it was like breathing everything i know i learned on my own but who i totally beleive that people are just naturally talented at things MK2 bein no different but i will take ur challenge and try to teach my wiife to pla lol this should be fun...


I think the reason every one on this page likes MK2 is simply because noobs cant just pick up a controller and win a round, It is a simple game, slow, and solid, but if you take the time to learn all the combos and reactions you can learn the hard stuff become one of the best. Pretty much your skills show, if your better you win, if your not as good you will loose. (unless your doing some dumb thing like low toe fire ball, you all can probably beat the turtles but they get me every time). Ive been working on my MK2 for proabably around a year now, and im sure im still bottom tier of this site. And even though every time I play any of you I get destroyed, because ive been playing and getting better for so long im able to ocasionally interupt your streaks. I should be getting a PS3 with my Xmas money so I should be able to get better faster and I can stop bugging Davey8000 to bring his over.