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MK11 - Once per Match... should this change how we do Matches?


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
So... there is a lot of stuff to unpack from the two reveal streams. If you haven't make sure you check the London Stream as K&M really dig into details and demo some cool stuff like Subs and Brutalities. There is a lot of tech info over there.

Anyway.. two of the big take aways are FATAL BLOW and CRUSHING BLOWS... both of these effect PER MATCH....not per round, per match. So only one successful FB per match and only one CB per match of each type.

This leads to a question.... one we need to sort out before the offline events really get into swing...

Should we change how we do matches to more rounds per individual match?

Currently we play a BO5 (best of 5) SET, and each match in that set if a FT2 (First to Two)... now with the new "once per match" mechanics.. if we change that to... a BO3 (best of 3) SET but have each match a FT3 (first to Three) we affectingly have the same kind of time to make comebacks, without extending the total time of the set and pissing off all the TOs... but it ALSO make the "once per match" mechanisms of the game even more significant. It would also reduce the counter-pick game considerably. Some people have expressed dislike for the cinematic style of this game.. this would also reduce that as well.

I'm not advocating anything yet myself.. but I think this is an interesting question.



Ok, I was seriously going to write a somewhat detail post trying to figure out what are you asking but the more I read your post and more my brain hurts.

I do feel like this might answer your question about should we change the format

(FYI we shouldn't)


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
I do feel like this might answer your question about should we change the format
(FYI we shouldn't)
Yes, that is what I am asking.

Like the new MK11 has a lot of game mechanisms that revolve around them being able to be used ONCE a match... so the longer the match is the more interesting and powerful these may be. For example, people have already been complaining the game has to many cinematic things in it. Extending the match would mean less of that. Also people have been complaining about the FATAL BLOW thing being a one shot kill or w/e... this would mean that in a longer match, you would have to choose when to do that a lot more carefully as you have longer without it... stuff like that. You could change the "format" of a set so it gives the same opportunity for players and same time to play for TOs but also make these "one per match" things slightly different.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
i am prettty fine with it, really just hoping the uppercut combo on KH its something we can do more than once per match


The mechanics are probably balanced considering you have to win 2 games, so just let them be. I like the gambling aspect of Fatal Blows (they're not an out of jail card, you have to be sure you will comeback with them and win or otherwise you lose them). If you add 2 extra rounds where no one can use the new mechanics if used earlier, they get diluded, so just keep the format as we've always played it.


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
I personally prefer the default, two rounds wins a match. Otherwise they start to feel too long, when maybe switching characters is what you really need, but you’re locked into a match (and have less of them to boot).


Soul Stealing Loyalist
I think it's better to see how it feel with out standard bo3 rounds first, then there's always time.