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MK X Online match replays


Noob Saibot
I'd like to see them implement a "highlight reel" like they have in Mario Cart 8 where you can do a replay but have the most "hype" moments shown throughout the match in maybe a minute or so clip and have different options along with your idea.


It's almost mandatory at this point. Pretty much every fighting game on the market is starting to implement this.

Not everyone can or wants to stream and some really hype matches get swept under the rug because those people don't have the means to share 'em.


That Welsh Guy
This is so needed, now i record most games "Just incase" but i've sometimes missed a good game I couldn't show off because there's no system like this.


King of the Bill
I never really got what was the PP thing for in SSF4 online.
Pp is player points. Similar to true skill or "points" in nrs games. Basically you play people with higher pp than you and the reward is you get higher pp when you win and fewer pp when you lose. But if you play a scrub with low pp and he beats you, you lose a ton of pp and if you win against him, you only get like 1pp lol
Definitely need replays. I will most likely be streaming the game (Just playing with friends and stuff, I'm dog shit at fighting games) but I would like a way to get my replays in the case that I'm not streaming.


"On your Knees!"
Pp is player points. Similar to true skill or "points" in nrs games. Basically you play people with higher pp than you and the reward is you get higher pp when you win and fewer pp when you lose. But if you play a scrub with low pp and he beats you, you lose a ton of pp and if you win against him, you only get like 1pp lol
Oh ok thnx, hmm I guess its different than the W/L ration in MK9.


King of the Bill
Oh ok thnx, hmm I guess its different than the W/L ration in MK9.
Win loss doesn't matter because you can win against new players all day and never have a high PP. You can have a 1:1 win loss ratio but play against high level players and get higher PP though


"On your Knees!"
Win loss doesn't matter because you can win against new players all day and never have a high PP. You can have a 1:1 win loss ratio but play against high level players and get higher PP though
Damn lol. tells the ppl to suck it up and play against the high lvl players rather than the freedom to challenge them or not if you want high PP.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Always thought the TS, PP etc was weird anyway.

I'm more concerned with replay and auto record option system, then save and be able to transfer to my youtube channel.

Also, I don't know about this twitch but I hear you can do a "let's play binky boo" option? That would be cool and stream it on my youtube. I know that pewpiepoopoo or whatever his name is does it.


Toys can't save you!
I like the way Soulcalibur V lets me save the replays to my PS3 making it easier to upload things to youtube. I'd like something similar for MKX, but also for offline play.