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MK Survived 2012


Administrator and Community Engineer
That's right.. It didn't die, and we are going strong and ready for 2013, armed with new tech, toasty boosts, and a few more cyrax breaker traps. So all the haters can (respectfully) suck it. I'm posting this as a big 'thank you' and love letter to the entire community for binding together when the going got tough, training harder in the face of difficult odds, and laughing in the face of the supposedly impending all-kabal tournament domination.

We're stronger than we may look, and MK has been around a lot longer than the last two years. This game wasn't created with MK9 and it won't end with it, either.

So here's to carrying the banner proudly into 2013. Superman can't make me love this game any less (nope, not even Green Arrow).

Lssons from this year:

-Goodwill triumphs over any adversity. We are a community first, and competitors second; because without the community, there'd be no competitions.
-There is always room to level up.. There is always another level that can be reached.
-Showing up in force speaks louder than any kind of complaints. Great matches speak louder than tweets. At Dallas this community demanded respect for this game without saying a word.. Remember that.

Also a big thank you to STORMS, Tim, Phil, Zaq, and all the people who keep TYM up and running day after day. We might not always say it, but we really appreciate you guys and what you do. (Maybe even you too Juggs).

Here's to a fantastic 2013 for one of the most exciting franchises in the history of video gaming.


What I'd like to say, moving forward:

2012 was a huge year for drama, adversity and problems. Our game sustained itself, but I'm not so sure the community can continue to with the constant call and need for drama and manufactured problems.

2013 can be an amazing year. This is the first time EVER that we're looking at the prospect of having two relevant, tournament worthy games at the same time!

If we allow drama, infighting and negativity to continue to drive us, then where it will drive us is into the ground.

There is ALWAYS time for joking and goofing around, no doubt... but this community recently has become SO vitriolic. Trolling has become priority over everything else...

In 2013, we need to get back to our roots, and here is what I'd like to see:

1. The community needs to stop the infighting, drama, negativity and manufactured problems.
Yes, I'm talking to you, people who make threads like "Who do you want to blow up and why?" Why do you need to post this? What need is there to create this kind of tension and stress other than to amuse yourself because you're bored? If you're that bored, go play MK.

2. Stop being so complicated.
This community has become like a bunch of high school gossiping girls. Seriously, am I watching MK or Gilmore Girls? More often than not, your problems and issues can be resolved in the LEAST complicated manner possible. All this does is create more problems. I am now passing on some serious advice, and I hope people take the time to listen and learn:

-You do NOT solve problems by airing them out publicly. Talk directly to the person you have a problem with, or to someone whom you can trust to be discreet to help you solve your problem.

-Publicly airing your problems will lead to many things:
a. You only tell one side of the story(there are 3 sides to every story), airing it publicly misleads people.(further complications)
b. You open yourself to people giving you "advice" who are not suited to do so. Perhaps they only heard a brief part of your problem or posted advice after a TLDR. Maybe all they want to do is have a laugh at your expense. Maybe they want to see you hurt or suffer. Are these people you want commenting on something you want REAL resolution to?
c. Your personal life is no longer personal. It's now public.
d. If you're right about the problem, you now face the dilemma of being humble or a self-righteous prick. Why complicate things like that?
e. Last but not least, if you're wrong, not only are you an ass, but you're publicly an ass...and instead of apologizing to ONE person, you have to make nicey-nice with all the people your aired it out to.

3. Keep it simple, stupid!
-This is a VIDEO GAME! Let me repeat that a little bigger, bolder and louder:
My point here is that your problems stem from ONE THING, and ONE THING ONLY: Gameplay.
Stop your crying, stop your whining... There is ONLY one way to resolve problems that come from video games... PLAY THE DAMN GAME.

-If you have a problem with someone because of MK, settle it with MK. Money Matches. Put up or shut up. Period. Problem solved. Issues? Run it back for more money.


2013 can be an amazing year. MK9, Injustice... MK2, UMK3... and more!

We have the games to do it... but we need to start embracing people again instead of turning them away with the drama and negativity.


Man of Tomorrow
It is if we just accept it that way. As a community, we have the power to change more than we think or at least get the message across.

You can rally and speak about and even take actions to prevent or lower it but at the end of the day it comes down to people. We are nothing but a collection of people and there will ALWAYS be "those" people, words and such will not change them. So while you can get alot to stop engaging "those" people and furthering the shit storm "those" people will still act like assholes.

DJ L Toro

-If you have a problem with someone because of MK, settle it with MK. Money Matches. Put up or shut up. Period. Problem solved. Issues? Run it back for more money.
This is the only thing i disagree with. I dont think money matches are the solutions to all problems (and are themselves problematic insofar as people can get addicted to gambling). I thing grudge matches are fine, or playing for a quarter like the arcade days, but really why does putting 100 bucks on the line settle a beef?
Otherwise i agree 100%


Blue Blurs for Life!
You can rally and speak about and even take actions to prevent or lower it but at the end of the day it comes down to people. We are nothing but a collection of people and there will ALWAYS be "those" people, words and such will not change them. So while you can get alot to stop engaging "those" people and furthering the shit storm "those" people will still act like assholes.
As far as I'm concerned, if "those" people only serve to create more cancers in our community, then they do not belong here. We have to show that we do not condone this shit. Maybe we can't achieve a perfect world, but what 9.95 is saying is that we have to lead by example.


This is the only thing i disagree with. I dont think money matches are the solutions to all problems (and are themselves problematic insofar as people can get addicted to gambling). I thing grudge matches are fine, or playing for a quarter like the arcade days, but really why does putting 100 bucks on the line settle a beef?
Otherwise i agree 100%
Because in the end it's all about gameplay. If the game itself did not exist, these problems would not exist in the form they do. People's personal problems with each other all comes from one core thing... the game(and how it is played).

If people have a problem in a sport, they settle it on the field or on the court. If one arm wrestler has a problem with another one, they arm wrestle and then it's said and done with.

Maybe putting money on the line isn't the answer, but a "reputation match" so to speak is. Solve your problems with the thing that the problem stems from... PLAY THE GAME.


Man of Tomorrow
As far as I'm concerned, if "those" people only serve to create more cancers in our community, then they do not belong here. We have to show that we do not condone this shit. Maybe we can't achieve a perfect world, but what 9.95 is saying is that we have to lead by example.

If they were people that don't attend tournies or can't even get to top 32 when they DO attend then I'd agree. But if it's top players then what can be done? If we have 15 truly top people and if even just 3 of them are "those" people then the community will suffer regardless. I see being a top player the same as having alot of money: It doesn't change you, it just allows you to be who you truly are because people will take it.

See, if I was an asshole then people would call me out on my bullshit because I'm not a top player. I'm just "some player" that's being a complete asshole. But if I was a top player and an asshole then people are gonna defend me and make excuses for me and the like which causes dissension in the community.

Edit: For the most part the community is a great example of helping out but the people that need to "lead by example" are not gonna change their ways because people ask them to or rally or whatever. These people need to grow up and do what needs to be done to help the game/community. And I'm not putting or trying to put anyone on blast.

DJ L Toro

Because in the end it's all about gameplay. If the game itself did not exist, these problems would not exist in the form they do. People's personal problems with each other all comes from one core thing... the game(and how it is played).

If people have a problem in a sport, they settle it on the field or on the court. If one arm wrestler has a problem with another one, they arm wrestle and then it's said and done with.

Maybe putting money on the line isn't the answer, but a "reputation match" so to speak is. Solve your problems with the thing that the problem stems from... PLAY THE GAME.
agreed. the gambling/money match issue was my only qualm. I'm down for grudge matches.


agreed. the gambling/money match issue was my only qualm. I'm down for grudge matches.
The biggest reason for "money matches" though is because you will run across the occasional person who will want infinite run-backs. Money discourages this from happening.


Blue Blurs for Life!
If they were people that don't attend tournies or can't even get to top 32 when they DO attend then I'd agree. But if it's top players then what can be done? If we have 15 truly top people and if even just 3 of them are "those" people then the community will suffer regardless. I see being a top player the same as having alot of money: It doesn't change you, it just allows you to be who you truly are because people will take it.

See, if I was an asshole then people would call me out on my bullshit because I'm not a top player. I'm just "some player" that's being a complete asshole. But if I was a top player and an asshole then people are gonna defend me and make excuses for me and the like which causes dissension in the community.
More damage would come from just allowing top players to be assholes...than stopping the problem at the source. If we suffer either way, I'd choose the lesser of two wounds.


Man of Tomorrow
There is a difference between fighting to create hype and fighting like your a high school drama queen.
Where is the line?

More damage would come from just allowing top players to be assholes...than stopping the problem at the source. If we suffer either way, I'd choose the lesser of two wounds.
What can we do? All we can do is talk to them and hope they listen but if they don't then what? And whose to say some new situation/person won't emerge and create another problem?

DJ L Toro

The biggest reason for "money matches" though is because you will run across the occasional person who will want infinite run-backs. Money discourages this from happening.
I like 16 bit's proposition to reo, 3rd chance, if he loses he never gets another chance, lol.


Blue Blurs for Life!
What can we do? All we can do is talk to them and hope they listen but if they don't then what? And whose to say some new situation/person won't emerge and create another problem?
If they don't listen, someone puts the foot down. I'd rather we not be represented by inconsiderate individuals. If the problem comes up again, we address it again.

You're missing the point. I'm aware that there's always going to be somebody who wants to start shit. We just have to establish that we don't find it acceptable. That is the least that can be expected and achieved.
Money on the line forces both players to take the match seriously, gives incentive for them to play, and removes the excuse of "oh I wasn't trying anyways" or some such nonsense. With dollars at stake, people are gonna do everything in their power to win. That's a big part of why it's there.


Man of Tomorrow
If they don't listen, someone puts the foot down. I'd rather we not be represented by inconsiderate individuals. If the problem comes up again, we address it again.

You're missing the point. I'm aware that there's always going to be somebody who wants to start shit. We just have to establish that we don't find it acceptable. That is the least that can be expected and achieved.
Puts their foot down....how? Beyond banning people from tournament then how can they be threatened with any type of punishment? 70 percent of what they would've gotten and give the rest to charity or something?

I understand what you're saying and I agree that it'd be great if it was but it's just not realistic.

DJ L Toro

Money on the line forces both players to take the match seriously, gives incentive for them to play, and removes the excuse of "oh I wasn't trying anyways" or some such nonsense. With dollars at stake, people are gonna do everything in their power to win. That's a big part of why it's there.
if you're not trying then dont play the game. if you're playing then not trying was a strategy you were trying to use and it didnt work. that's how i conceive of it