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MK HD - Firs look at HD stages in action

As many on you know, this is a fan-made Mortal Kombat HD remake with MUGEN started over at TRMK. Previous videos you've seen of this project were mainly tests for sprites. This time the emphasis is on HD stages done by calactyte, coded by interloko (who also recorded the video). Character sprites are done by Bleed aka gabe.

Stages are pretty much done, except statues in Warrior Shrine, floor on Goro's Lair, and few other touch-ups here and there. All sprites for two characters are completed (Scorpion & Sub Zero) tho' they're not in at the moment (Sub Zero's walking animation for example) There will probably be lots of gameplay tweaking, everything is still in progress.


I've been following this over on TRMK for a while.

It's amazing to see what HEART and CARING will do. MKAK is a perfect example of a rushed job to make money. I blame Other Ocean for this, because UMK3 on the DS was pretty damn good, and the PSN standalone MK2 was as well. There was no reason for MKAK to be as bad as it was.

Now here is this ragtag group of fans who REALLY CARE. They're using their own skills, making no money, and best yet, using an antiquated fighting game engine that was never intended to re-create a Mortal Kombat game.

I honestly hope that this takes off, that other game devs see the work you've done and realize the gold mine that you guys are.


Administrator and Community Engineer
This looks like a dream come true. It's really awesome to see people put their ideas to work and produce something instead of just complaining about what's out there -- that kind of hard work moves everything forward as a community.
Few updates by interloko, the programmer.

The Pit fall and few sound tests

Not sure who's the guy doing the voices, music remixes are done by Justin Slaughter.