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MK Beard ratings

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
OSU 16 Bit is my inspiration for this thread...

So who has the most badass beards in the MK community?

1. 16 bit
2. CD
3. Hidan


Come On Die Young
If we're talking about MK community over time, Aris. But now it's 16bit.

*starts growing beard back*

I looked like an Amish man in High School. 16bit, I'm calling you out bro. Just wait.


Quick, someone post the bearded Kitana photoshop so 16 bit can win in the best bearded team category.


Where the hell is Reiko's wheel kick
Unfortunately Hidan has left the MK beard team :( Kratos is dead...
You 'll be counting your souls in the Netherrealm, Kratos lives on forever. Foxy you made my day, I'm growing the beard back