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MK 10 main ... I already cant decide

Whats your tendency for a main

  • Someone i always played

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Someone i find interesting but never mained

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Someone entirely new

    Votes: 8 26.7%

  • Total voters
Raiden, as always?
Fujin, a favourite i never really played?
Havik? Baraka?
My secret Desire, Hsu Hao?
The highly anticipated Shinnok?
Or someone entirely new?

the struggle of "Who's next?" begins right now, there are just too many cool characters in MK

do you feel the same?


Johnny Cage if he wears the badass leather jacket and Cyber Sub Zero if he makes it in posessed by Shao Kahn's soul.


Grundy think you handsome!
My advice would be to wait till the patches are done before commiting to a character. I made the silly mistake of going with Sub Zero and Grundy, two characters that I really liked but it didn't mean shit no matter the effort you put into them.

As a matter of fact just wait 6 months to see if they ruin your character for some idiotic reasons while other broken shit remains in the game.

Plus you'll get the "game of the year" edition with all the characters.

Throw immune strings against grapplers that need to get in? Fuck you NRS


Raiden, as always?
Fujin, a favourite i never really played?
Havik? Baraka?
My secret Desire, Hsu Hao?
The highly anticipated Shinnok?
Or someone entirely new?

the struggle of "Who's next?" begins right now, there are just too many cool characters in MK

do you feel the same?
Raiden, as always?
Fujin, a favourite i never really played?
Havik? Baraka?
My secret Desire, Hsu Hao?
The highly anticipated Shinnok?
Or someone entirely new?

the struggle of "Who's next?" begins right now, there are just too many cool characters in MK

do you feel the same?


cr. HP Master
I can't really pick a main ahead of time without playing all the characters first. I main whoever I "click" with naturally. For MKII that was Baraka and oddly enough, in MK9 it was Baraka as well. I'd like to hope I click with that character again, but if I don't then I'll move on until I find a character I do click with.

Also, I found myself "clicking" with Raiden late in Mk9's life. So I'm hoping I click with those two again.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I think that playing the roster unbiased and seeing who you have the most fun with is the best. In Marvel vs Capcom I went all in on a boy I have supported and dreamed of entering that series for most of my life...Iron Fist. Words cannot express how bad it felt when I got a character with zero tools to survive the environment he was put into. Combos that couldn't start because his overhead forced them into a bounce that removed his crumple and thus all his damage. No tools in the air including an air throw he couldn't convert at most heights. His best tools locked behind a prerequisite of doing 3 rekkas first and his SF3 counter being relegated to a shoryu motion on his chi powers. Damage, pressure, incredible wave dash...none of it useable because he couldn't move.

In Injustice I went in hard on Green Arrow. Hell, I fulfilled a promise and dressed as him and danced the Bernie when he was announced and modded his boards initially. But he was a pressure character with T-Rex arms, no damage, and was entirely reliant on resets as he was an archer who couldn't outzone anyone. He wasn't bad , but he was quickly irrelevant except in the hands of incredible footsie players who can make a living better IMO by switching to Batman.

Point I am trying to make is...the most fun I had in Marvel was as Chun or Sentinel. The most fun I had in IGAU was with Bane, Hawkgirl and Shazam. We dont know who are mains are by the character history. We know who are mains are by playing the game and finding who we really make work and connect with during the rhythm of a match.

In MK10 I am going in and playing. I hardly got to experience MK9 because the few months I was in were right before IGAU so I didn't hang out long. I mained Smoke then and played a lot of Sonya/Kung Lao with that and enjoyed Ermac and Noob too...this tells me in MK10 I should just go in with eyes open and experience it before choosing a main.

Pick your mains based on who you have the most fun playing. Wait for MK10 and play it and choose after you get your hands on it. I'll be eager to see how my old favorites played, but I will be going in with intention to actually experience the whole roster and see who feels right for me. I feel everyone should do this.


You alright mate ?
My advice would be to wait till the patches are done before commiting to a character. I made the silly mistake of going with Sub Zero and Grundy, two characters that I really liked but it didn't mean shit no matter the effort you put into them.

As a matter of fact just wait 6 months to see if they ruin your character for some idiotic reasons while other broken shit remains in the game.

Plus you'll get the "game of the year" edition with all the characters.

Throw immune strings against grapplers that need to get in? Fuck you NRS
Damn you got a point here....... Luckily I didnt had any problems with Sektor :D. His combo's only had 1 or 2 % less damage !


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Damn you got a point here....... Luckily I didnt had any problems with Sektor :D. His combo's only had 1 or 2 % less damage !
Yeah but what about all those poor Sub Zero mains? I played some with one of those guys here on the boards when IGAU hit. Sounded like he got wrecked pretty hard.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
lol as smart as that sounds to go in open minded and all. Cant do it, i have to main a character i actually like. For example, maybe i click best with kano, but i could never main him as i dont like him as a character. Sub Zero is my boy, and he will be my main. Also hoping tremor makes it in.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
lol as smart as that sounds to go in open minded and all. Cant do it, i have to main a character i actually like. For example, maybe i click best with kano, but i could never main him as i dont like him as a character. Sub Zero is my boy, and he will be my main. Also hoping tremor makes it in.
Not gonna lie...liking a character has a LOT to deal with making any sort of connection with them. Im not a Devil May Cry or Resident Evil guy. Just dont dig zombies or 14 year old fan fiction self insert ego stroke characterizations like Dante. Probably could have had fun but I just hated them. Lucked out with IGAU as I genuinely enjoy all the roster's history...same with MK for me. Also I really get into combos that have a sort of rhythm to them. I digged the whole pogo stomp and rocket dashing with Chun Li's combos in Marvel and I really dig the whole Grab into grab and B3 stuff Shazam does in IGAU. Some combos are just fun.

Go with whose fun...if a character just turns you off so much you can't enjoy playing them regardless of their toolset I understand. Largely why I left Marvel...most of the roster from Capcom I didn't give a shit about and the roster I did enjoy were all so gimped they couldn't hold up. Whole game became dominated by a handful of anchors and Doom assist combo breaking all day. Throw in TAC infinites and it just became dumb.
other way round... i picked raiden in the beginning of mk 9 but he was too top Tier, i almost felt like a cheater winning with him. so i dropped him and only picked him up again very late in the game. i regret that though, i shouldve stuck with him.
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I don't know why, but I think Kai is going to be really cool this time if he makes it in. But I have no idea who to main. Someone with swag and power for sure.