Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Hey, I was just messing about with some characters and found that Shazam can get a crossup B2 midscreen. I dunno how useful this is or if it was already known but...yeah lol
Notations: 22 xx High Grab(Dunno what it's called) B3, J3, D3. After this if you wait a bit then B2 then it crosses up. Wakeups auto-correct to hit you and B2 is unsafe so it's probably not that useful tbh lol. Enjoy
Notations: 22 xx High Grab(Dunno what it's called) B3, J3, D3. After this if you wait a bit then B2 then it crosses up. Wakeups auto-correct to hit you and B2 is unsafe so it's probably not that useful tbh lol. Enjoy