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Microsoft giving Xbox Live Gold Refunds?


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Due to the changes in how xbox gold is working it looks like microsoft is giving a three month window for those who might be a little unhappy with the change in how the gold service works...

So how does the community feel about this? While Xbox Live is still the most expensive online service console wise, it seems like they are listening to fan output...but at the same time now some people may not feel the need to pay at all for Gold anymore as some were paying for the sole purpose of using some of the apps that are now free...

How do you guys feel about the refund window and the over all changes to the Gold service, and will you be sticking around?

Source: http://www.destructoid.com/microsoft-gives-three-month-window-for-xbox-live-gold-refunds-274839.phtml